Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hold Me Back...

          First of all, I offer my most sincere apologies for neglecting my blog for so long. I know, it's been a travesty. This recount of my "fun filled" weekend should make up for it though. At Trinity, there's this little club called Youth YMCA. And in this club, you will find some of the most overachieving, government obsessed teenagers on the planet. When you're in Trinity's YMCA, you pretty much get sucked into Alabama's Youth in Government Program. I, myself have been a part of Alyig since a fresh faced freshman of 15. oh, how the years have flown. When we attended our first youth legislature, there was only about 10 of us and we had a blast just running around the hotel and laughing at the awkward people. Now, our group has grown to include at least fifty something people. Last year, it was crazzaayy. Everyone, not just the government lovers, went and it was so much fun. This year: complete nightmare.
         Let me rephrase that: not a complete nightmare. There were some shining beacons of hope called haley, madison, weebs, and a few choice others. Some ish went down this weekend, ya'll. Not gonna elaborate but i'll dance around the edges throughout my tale. So, when I was told I had to submit my bill for youth leg, I was in a tizzy because I only had like 45 minutes to do it. So, I randomly got the idea while watching some gazelles at lunch practically picking chocolate chips out of cookies to save a few calories. The horror! I rushed to a computer and typed up a bill in literally 10 minutes. I was formulating a piece of legislation that would skate through unseen. Not a piece of ignorance so as to diminish my intelligence, but not a beast of a bill that would get everyone's blood pumping and land me first in the House Chamber. That's like being fed to a pack of rabid wolves. Anyways, i roll up to the renaissance, cause we couldn't have it at the embassey this year, for shame. Yeah yeah the renaissance is prestigious and stuff but give me the embasseys expanse of open space anyday. Of course we congregate into our little huddles, just us trinites until the buses bust up. Yuck, i hate those buses. One even has a few bullet holes...classy. So we sit in the  House, not an actual home, but the House of Reps in big comfy chairs for hourssss and listen to people drone on and on about their closeminded beliefs. yada yada yada. Apparently people like my little bill on including calorie content in correspondence to food choices...go figure. Whitney had to act like a psycho, she took her positon as floor leader very very seriously. she even inadvertantly told me to put up my kindle. crazy girl. our lunch was sub par as always and everyone got a shock by seeing the rsa activity building with sober eyes. it was crazy. we all bop back to the hotel just in time for roll call which is the most rediculous thing ever to try and capture a teenages attention. After all this fun, me and hay vay go to pop some popcorn by help of the bar staff. they were totes awesome. I hear some apalling news and turn into a panther for the night. Scary, right? Some bitch even had a close shave when she annoyingly laughed when my back was turned. Since I'm classy, i didn't bite her head off. It could have also been because staff were everywhere...oh well. Don't ya love little freshman rats? uh oh, better change the subject. The night was enteresting to say the least, apparently the walls are paper thin so everyone could hear me screaming profanities...whoops.
      On saturday i wake up in the morning feeling like ive been sucking on a cotton ball and been hit over the head all in one fell swoop. I have to make the grueling walk of shame to the room where my suitcase was and of course, haley and i have to venture down to the lobby, seeing everyone we know, and get a room key. The whole day drags by and the drama is boiling. There's a governors ball tonight and everyone can barely contain themselves. I have never seen so many socially awkward, visibly horny weirdos in my life. I go to Wintzells with some pretty cool studs then i go to leks with the best seniors ever. I even got to spend some of the night with  the girls from Boston. We taught them about the religion of Auburn football and introduced  them, yes introduced, them to CAM NEWTON. They're fans now to say the least. They listened to us ramble on and on about southern traditions and the racial struggles of the south. i think we made a good impression. The governor's ball was ballin...yeah...lets just say logan can move with the best of em. bottoms up? We ended today and oh my gosh did i forget to mention that mine and haley's bill was deemed one the the most outstanding bills in the house? go this weekend was crazy. sometimes i wanted to kill people but not my roomates who partook in pillow talk and screamed with me when the ghost of our room turned the lights off. Definately corrupted the little homeschooled kids at my FINAL youth leg. Sad? no. college staff next year? HELL NO.
stay classy.
and scene.

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