Saturday, February 5, 2011

Look ma, no hands

For the past four years, almost every friday and occasionally a precious saturday has been sacrificed to the world of Trinity athletics. At trinity, athletics trump academics but the administration would never admit that. So, since i'm on the dance team, it has been my solemn duty to attend every football game, whether it be three hours away or on our own hallowed turf. Don't get me wrong, i look back and i've enjoyed my past four years dancing my high school life away. My perfect attendance has equipped me with vast judging skills and an immense knowlege of the much loved sports: football and basketball. Last night, and later on today, i attended the varsity boys and girls basketball games where I passed my periodical boredom by talking to and about people. that's always fun. If you've ever been to a basketball game, any basketball game, you should know that many a people show up since it's the only thing to do in montgomery on a friday night at 7. At these games, the good, the bad, and the ugly show up and everyone, i mean everyone, notices what you're wearing. It's honestly very hard not to judge. It's like putting a slice of devil's food cake in front of a fat girl and saying "don't even think about it, sweetie." It's not gonna happen. So, when you arrive at a basketball game, youre not just there to watch the game. you're there to people watch as well, it's part of the entertainment. People strut down the court in front of the crowd like it's a freaking runway or some people see it as a walk into the lions den. I personally love seeing the outfits people bust up in. you've got your too cool to dress up kids who wear sweatpants, tshirts, and occasionally some sleepwear footwear. I'm guilty of the sweatshirt over my uniform but if i have to suffer through wearing that thing, then i should be comfortable in the process. You've got your middle schoolers wearing their jeggings and limited too tshirts that are so tight you could read what size training bra theyre wearing. Some people dress up like they're going to a new york fashion show while others just play it low key, after all, it is a basketball game not the oscars. I'm sorry, but i totally don't understand when random people from other schools show up to a trinity game. isn't your own school playing tonight? I love when people get there at halftime, you totally just missed half the game for the sake of being late but more power to ya. Anyways, after mentally and verbally ripping people to shreads you settle in to enjoy the game.
      Let's focus on the antics of the crowd now. If it's a rival game, such as stj or ma, you're in for a treat. Guys in the crowd go crazzzy and hurl insults from across the court. screaming obscene nicknames, blowing those annoying vuvuzelas, calling players gay, degrading people's mamas, and chanting things that can't even be deciphered but it sounds cool. The constant sit down, stand up, chant with the cheerleaders, sweating because its 100 degrees in the gym, getting smushed so someone can sit by who they're "talking" to can be so annoying and gets old easily but thank goodness i actually enjoy guy's basketball. no offense to the lady wildcats, but i like watching the guys better. it's more entertaining when a 6' tall guy dramatically trips or gets pushed to the ground and they just kinda lie there....but i digress. Basketball games are actually really fun sometimes and i appreciate the sport and the players. I enjoy the screaming, searching for a seat, yelling ohhhh even though you have no idea what happened, and standing in little clumps after the game just to talk. I also appreciate the entertainment the students unwittingly provide. nothing like a trinity sporting event to get the blood pumping.
and scene.

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