Thursday, March 3, 2011

It's just the strangest thing, i thought this was MY blog....

       I'm not trying to be a bitch here....famous last words. I honestly think trinity has turned into an asylum. People are acting crazy and i just wanna straighten some things out so bear with me. I'm really not writing this blog to get attention. I'm not writing this blog to force my ideas or opinion on people. I'm not writing to call people out or completely trash someone for everyone to read. I started this as something for me and for entertainment purposes. I started blogging because people told me I have some interesting things to say and I like writing about what amuses me or completely pisses me off. Apparently some people like what I have to say. I'm taking that from comments I get and I can also check how many times my blog was viewed on a certain day. I really don't care if people read what I have to say or not, it's not for anyone but myself. But, in a school like Trinity, word gets out. Apparently i've pissed some people off and i've gotten too personal in what I say. Newsflash: If you don't like what I have to say, stop religiously checking my blog. But, I guess it's kind of flattering that some people check to see if they're mentioned. Thanks ya'll. I've always checked with people before I use their name and most of the time, in whitney's case, I really like the person i'm talking about, that's right weebs. we're frans remember?  Everything I write about are my thoughts and my views on certain subjects. I don't like causing drama, honestly I don't. I usually don't think: Oh, this particular sentence will be especially offensive to her, her, and him. Sorry if that makes me sound self centered. I know I'm going off on a crazy tangent but the fact that people are freaking out that I get a little too personal in my PERSONAL blog is just rubbing me the wrong way. If you don't like what I have to say, stop reading. I'm just a little surprised, no in AWE, that some people are acting like one flew over the cuckoo's nest. If you have a complaint, come to me and say it to my face. I will honestly admit when i've gone too far and I don't believe I have at all. If i'm pissed at somebody, I'm gonna blow off some steam and write about it. It takes the place of a bitch fight, sorry to disappoint. I would never use their real name, that's a bitch move. I don't know how this got to be such a big deal, I mean, for real. Also, I wouldn't talk about something that the whole school doesn't know about already. That would be just crazy. i'm graduating in 2 months and 16 days, I don't care if someone is mad at what I'm writing. you can already tell if I'm pissed at you, I guess when it's in just makes it real and final.
       I find it kind of funny, actually. I never really thought people would check my blog regularly, like it, and ask to be mentioned. I'm not that egotistical. So, sorry if i offend. I've already warned before that i'm honest and i'm going to talk about what's going on with my day or what i've been thinking about. This isn't a burn book, i'm not being a mean girl trying to humiliate people. My b if I have. Wow this is totes a serious blog and I never want to have to do this again. For the sake of clearing the air I had to. Just for some entertainment value, Logan has asked me to dedicate a little blog to his awesome self. So, stay tuned to my all about Logan blog which will have to be heavily researched because I want to get it right. It's not every day that such a stud requests a special blog, so I want to do it right.
"Did I of-fend? "
    Ducky- Pretty in Pink
and scene.

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