Wednesday, February 16, 2011

But We're Seniors...

       This is how i feel half the time. Not a crazy freak like Mel Gibson, but like i'm going into a battlezone everyday. As a senior, we hold a solemn duty to become apathetic, suffering under the horrid and very real condition of senioritus, maintaining a mediocre average in all classes, develop a surly attitude, and have a devil may care approach on anything that could influence our futures. We are told that we have lost all respect for our authorities. Well, all i have to say is this: I've been here for thirteen years. I've been a pretty damn good student and I'm sick of it. I've done the busy work, studied my butt off for stupid tests, kissed the ass of a teacher to get that extra .5 for an A, and suffered the embarrassment of teachers not minding their own business. After thirteen years i should be pretty well prepared for college and if not, there is no possible way you are cramming it into my brain in the last few months. I don't understand how a teacher can say we've become lazy and careless. We. Are. Tired. Most people have already gotten accepted, enrolled in their college of choice, framed their coveted scholarships, and have a room all ready for them when August rolls around. The myth that your grades don't matter second semester is not a myth. Teachers say they still count, but i just think they don't want to go buy a bunch of new red pens to grade the tests in which everyone failed. We seniors have a lot going on. Our parents are stage five clingers half the time, a teacher is shoving a term paper down our throats, people are all starting to date at once and it's nauseating, adults are criticizing us every second, and we still get treated like children at school where we are the oldest.
    I'm tired of being called the worst grade at Trinity. Most people have mellowed out this year and we didn't even participate in the age old tradition of the junior senior war. We only get a day off, just one. This year, we haven't been treated with the same courtesy or received the same lavish customs classes before us have. This is all due to the preconceived notion that we are all lazy morons who all must have "Rebel Without A Cause" tattooed on our foreheads. I honestly don't see how we're that bad after all the stuff i've seen go down a trinity. A hem, xanax? But anyways, I'm just sitting here, keep in mind I have to leave for play practice in about half an hour, and I have an impossible AP Bio test tomorrow. It's on genetics. Now listen, I wasn't trying to be an over achiever this year by taking all these ap classes, it was the only science class they could fit me in. Now, shouldn't trinity bear the brunt of my punishment of failing these tests since they got me into this mess? Of course not, because i'm lazy, and a procrastinator, and i'm going to hell if I don't get an A. I'm pretty fired up if you can't tell. I know i'm not the only senior who's this steamed about the crap we go through. We still get demerits for uniforms which i think is absurd. Cut us some slack, our brains are about mush (some already resemble a cup of oatmeal). I know we get off campus lunch and a senior lounge. I also know if the administration read this they would call me an ungrateful brat who is never satisfied but, i'm sorry. I just can't wait til May 19th and I know, deep down, every teacher at trinity will exude a sigh of relief when our caps fly in the air. So, class of 2011, stick it out for the remaining, what is it? 92 days? We're almost out of hell...sure does suck for the rest of ya'll.
So come on over and knock on our door,
it's open whatchu waitin' for?
We might be sprawled out on the floor,
but we still make lovely company.
Pull up a chair, I'll pour some tea,
We'll shoot the shit, 'bout everything,
till you get sick of politics,
and flip on the TV screen,
That Donnie Darko DVD has been repeating for a week,
and we know every single word.
We are very busy people. 
The Limousines 
it's been stuck in my head and it's pretty applicable, don't ya think? 
and scene.

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