Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hoe's Nose

Interesting title huh? It comes straight from the mouth of Sir Christopher, or as he is known to everyone else, Raz. The nickname comes from the song lookin boy and my friend Addie sure thinks he's a good lookin boy. In regards to the title, he came up with it while we were looking at some ugly girl with a big head and an even larger nose at the MA Trinity game last night. One guess what school she came from...sorry precious but a nosejob is needed. Love those friends you can make fun of people with.
     So i'm delving into the strange subject of friendship today. Friends are there to keep you company and entertain you. They're there to make you feel good when you sad, make you laugh when you're pissed, and make fun of people you just hate. There are so many types of friends its crazy. Theres the bff. best friends foeva. you do everything with this friend and they know all your secrets and you know all of their's. This is the superman of all friends. They get you. You can laugh about everything, make fun of the same stuff, have a constant awkward buddy and the works. Its kinda dangerous for someone to know that much about you because one day, you could morph into the frenemie. This is the ex best friend and they are dangerous. Its a common phenomenon. Something stupid or major happens and the friendship can shatter and you've got someone who knows everything about you, plus is pissed at you which could lead to some word vomit and your humiliation. There is another type of frenemie. It's when you're nice to someone but you really really can't stand them. I mean, loathe this person's very existence but for appearance sake, make it seem like ya'll are great friends. I have some of these. It's not healthy and i don't recommend it. You've got your friend you go to for a laugh. I love these people. These friends are so damn funny but sometimes impossible to have a serious conversation with. This leads you to the serious, heart pouring, emotional dump of a friend. This person has all the advice and is a very good listener. Everyone needs ones, just not me because i get tired of it sometimes.
          I hate it when you see someone and in your head you're like: "I know them....but how do I know them. Should I say hi? Or would it be weird?" Then it hits you: you totally stalk them on facebook. This is the downfall of facebook. You innocently go to a social gathering and you swear you know a bunch of these people but truth is, they just blow up your main embarrassing. Sometimes, and this usually gets eradicated by senior year, you've got your stage five clinger. This person follows you everywhere and there's no shaking them. You just gotta get through it and hope they understand the sarcasm you keep throwing at em. There's that acquaintance you share that one single inside joke with. You know what i'm talking about. When there's nothing else to say, I always revert back to that inside joke and it gets a laugh and a guaranteed no awkward moment. very choice. I always have the friend who gets a boyfriend and she falls off the earth for a few months. It sucks but when the breakup happens, suddenly you are a rediscovered treasure trove of fun and sympathy. it's totes great. Most people have that bitch of a friend. she's fun and stuff but you just want to slap the crap out of her most of the time. why i am still friends with those kind of people, i'll never know. I think i've covered all the friendship bases...maybe i left out the friend that gets ripped to pieces when they walk away. or the friend that is only your friend at school and not any other time. those are friends for convenience and are very useful when trying to avoid awkward moments at school. So, there's my little exploration into the world of friends. It's kind of enteresting when you think about it. I'm gonna close this out with one of my friend's and my favorite songs. it's from golden girls.
If you threw a party
invited everyone you knew
you would see the biggest gift would be from me
and the card attached would say
Thank you for being a friend
and scene.

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