Sunday, February 20, 2011

I'm Just Gonna Go With It

      I'm in the mood to do a movie review. Last night, I had the pleasure of seeing Just Go With It. I guess you could call it a romantic comedy, emphasis on the comedy. It co-stared Adam Sandler and Jennifer Anniston. Now, I'm a fan of Sandler even if he is one of the most unattractive people I have ever seen. The man is pretty dang funny, including his awkward, amorphous body shape. And Anniston, well she's pretty much perfect. I just love her but I have the sneaky suspicion that she might have a personality flaw or be a teense crazy. How else can you explain someone that beautiful being alone? Anyway, Nicole Kidman, who i think is awesome, and Dave Matthews also starred in this hilarious farce. Their characters are in a word: different.
     The movie starts off back in the 80's at a wedding. How do I know this? Well the ten layers of makeup, hair that a monsoon couldn't budge, teal tuxedos, and chiffon chiffon chiffon were kind of a dead giveaway. Sandler starts out with this ridiculous snoz, i call it this because he's a jew, and overhears his wife talking about the reasons she's marrying him, none of them are because of love. So, the gilted jew goes to a bar to stave off the pain. He realizes that he can use his wedding ring to seduce unsuspecting women into giving him a pity...well you know. So there goes his life for years, minus the huge nose and a real wife. But when he meets this buxom, blonde bombshell at a plastic surgery party (she swears she hasn't had any...), he then gets caught up in a huge lie where he has to create a fake wife, fake family, the works. He employs his assitant, Anniston, to be his wife and cleans her up so she looks amazing. He even uses her weird kids to keep the ball rolling. Sandler even gets pushed into a corner where he takes the lot to Hawaii on a vacation where tons of drama goes down. This movie is riddled with sarcastic humor and I seriously have not laughed so hard in a movie in so long. I really thought it was going to a stereotypical romantic comedy where i could predict everything. Sure, i predicted some stuff but it was just so funny that I didn't care. It takes a lot to impress me where a movie is concerned.
      Sandler's girlfriend, or "daddy's whore" as his fake daughter puts it, is definitely beautiful but her acting was sub par. Her role is absent at some points so you are spared from her inabilities for a while. She's supposed to be a 6th grade math teacher. But tell me, when have you ever seen a math teacher that looked like that? Most of em are overweight and mean as hell. And she works at a Catholic school...right. The girl is a little chunky so it should appease some of the girls who go with their boyfriends to see it. Last night, I definitely saw some attempted eye gouging when she popped up on screen in her bikini. I'm not like that but I thought it was pretty funny. The kids cracked me up the entire movie. One was a brooding little boy boardering on emo while the little girl was a drama queen who would bust out in a british accent for no reason. I think it's kinda interesting how Jennifer Anniston is going for the mommy roles now. She's definitely not shooting for the gritty roles like she had in The Good Girl. One of my personal favs with Jake Gyllenhal playing opposite her. yum. Anyway, I thought this movie was good for a date night. It's easy going, you don't have to delve into it because the plot is nice and shallow, and it gives you a good laugh. It does have a generic ending that i totally saw coming but it didnt't really matter because I was too busy laughing. Sorry girls, no one is fairly attractive so it gets a deduction for zero eye candy for girls. I'm giving the movie 3 out of five stars. It's really good, just not a lot of deep stuff to work with.
and scene.

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