Monday, February 14, 2011

Roses are red, unoxygenated blood is blue, Auschwitz sucks, and Valentine's Day does too.

     I promised a lot of people that i would do a blog on valentine's day and i'm a girl of my word. Today was valentine's day. A day filled with an explosion of red, pink, heart shaped everything, annoying balloons, hand holding, cheap, fluffy animals, candy, chocolate, candy, and those three little words that can make someone's day or make someone gag and cringe all in one swift movement. I don't know about you, but when someone hands you that little box of conversation hearts, i just wanna throw that damn box right back at em. I don't want a box to say all that stuff to me, it's a lil creepy and if i see one more generic valentine day package of roses, chocolates, and a teddy bear, i'm gonna scream. I also don't like walking into a restaurant a few days before vday and trying to find my way through the lambrynth of balloons just to get a heart shaped bowl of rice. I'm talkin bout you Leks.
      This morning, I didn't even realize it was d-day. I was pretty pumped because I got some awesome new red lipstick and I was going to actually wear it. When I bopped downstairs ready to go, my mom pounced with a "Happy Valentine's Day!" and a heart shaped krispy kreme doughnut waiting for me. "You look so festive with your red lipstick!" I stared at her with horror. I ran upstairs and wiped that junk off. No way I was gonna look like I tried to look LOVEly on valentine's day. Totes embarrassing. I had my depressing V-day playlist playing in the car so i was raring to go. I get into school and most people look like they're dreading the day too. Unless you're one of those people who already got their present and have a skip in your step and a little song in your heart to start the day. I'm not a huge cynic or down with valentine's day kind of person. I'm not hating on the day of love, some stuff about it just bugs me. Like the fact that some people call it "Single Awareness Day." Thats just SAD people. It's not embarrassing to be single on valentines day. Better to be single and happy than with some jerk of a person just for the sake of having a relationship. I really love when teachers give you candy or cupcakes. Thats what my english teacher did, she's awesome. I also love the fact that we watched a video on the holocaust today. Nothing says I love you like a gas chamber. Oh, Auschwitz.
    Anyway, I realized that I had to give blood today...Super exciting right? Is it embarrassing to say it was the most action some people were getting all day? Well, if you go to my school, you've probably already heard about my little adventure with my blood donation. I was feeling fine. I was getting some bonus points for AP Bio that i desperately need, also I was saving a life so that's important too, its a big plus and my good deed for the day. After being complimented on my extremely good hemoglobin levels, answering a little questionare filled with questions on if i had sex with people who have had unmentionable diseases, and spending five minutes spelling my name, I was strapped to a gurney and having my arm swabbed clean. Of course I had the bed that was in clear view of the ring of waiting donors, it wouldn't be my life if my embarrassment wasn't put on display. Ok, so my nurse was telling me how much she loved sage, the dining service at school, while she told me just to expect a "stick and a sting." It really didn't hurt and I was real lucid for about 10 minutes, then all of a sudden, I looked at Trey and said: I'm gonna throw up. Now, anyone who knows me knows that I can't throw up. like, i promise i can't. Suddenly, the whole room is going all splotchy and my vision is fading in and out. A bag gets shoved in my face to catch potential throw up, people are surrounding me saying stuff that sounds like a teacher in charlie brown. Wah Wah Wah. I black out for a sec and wake up to this big guy, who faintly reminds me of madea, rubbing freezing cold towels over my face. Is it bad that my first though is please stop wiping all my makeup off? I'm feelin real nauseous and he's making me cough and keep my eyes open. When it's all over, everybody's staring and it's freaking hot in the gym. Its like the whole world has come to stand vigil at my gurney...great. They make me stay a little while and get bombarded with "Are you ok? I though you died." It was great, ya'll. We then had senior lunch and it was awful. Me and my pale self just went and sat in the sun, hoping i might look less like a chalky corpse but in vain. It was a totally romantic v-day. I got to dance at a basketball game too and almost passed out in the process. Overall, today wasn't too obnoxious and lovey dovey. Yeah, some people bragged about the flowers they got or how much their boyfriend loved them but i was perfectly content with one of my valentines, my brother camille. So, here's a shoutout to my single ladies, to my cynics who damn valentine's day to hell, to my girls who send flowers and chocolates to themselves, to those sad people watching titanic, the notebook, or pride and prejudice with a quart of hagen and tissues, and to all those people getting some action right about now. Happy freaking Valentine's Day people. Don't be depressed but don't be so happy that i want to slap the crap outta you.
Three words that became hard to say
I and love and you
What you were then, I am today
Look at the things I do
The Avett Brothers
and scene.

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