Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Give Me the Freaking Mic

Now, the last thing i would want to do is step on a few toes or piss people off but there's something i just have to talk about. At trinity, we have these random assemblies. sometimes, we have someone from an abortion clinic come and scar people for life. other times we have a man come in and snap every few seconds, emphasizing our emminent death. why, just a week or two ago we had a guy come in, showing us pretty graphic videos of car crashes, ordering us to not text while driving, and leaving everyone a bit queasy but still texting on their way home from school. But, when the students of TPS enter Willet hall and see the chairs arranged in a U shape...we all suppress a groan of exasperation. If you have no idea what i'm talking about, let me elaborate. The administration thinks its a bonding experience when students lead an assembly and, to add even more fuel to the fun fire, they arrange the chairs so that you're facing rows and rows of your fellow school mates and another group gets to face the speakers. The speakers, always a few outspoken, passionate students, nervously roam about the room, rambling about a point while trying to entice the apathetic student body to participate in the discussion. We always have a few eager participants who almost rip the speaker's arm off to get the mic and have their 5 minutes in the spot light. Apparently, one of these assemblies will change our lives forever and we will take everything to heart and leave a changed person. I have never once seen this fabled epiphany.
      One thing that i hate: being told what to do. It just grates on my nerves when someone, especially someone my own age or younger, tells me what to do. especially when the reason is flimsy and easily dismembered. Today's assembly was on judging. well, at least i think it was. it went from living a blessed life, to not judging, to guilt, back to not judging. I don't know how all these issues got lumped together but whatev. Let it be known: i'm not making fun of the speakers today. i applaude their confidence and enthusiasm that they felt for this issue and i listened to everything they said. i'm just offering my take on the issue for pure entertainment purposes. I've been told, along with every person at Trinity, that I am blessed. yes, thank you teacher, i understand. but guess what? before you tell me how ungrateful i am, let it be known that you're blessed too and you're judging me by saying i'm apathetic and ungrateful. when you tell someone not to judge, it's like telling them to stop being a human. Judging someone is human nature, just like vanity, pride, and even eating. When you condemn people and tell them not to judge others, you're being a hypocrite. Everyone judges. yes, in Matthew 7 it says judge not lest you be judged but as my friend whitney said today: doesn't it also say that you can judge, but with right judgement? that's in John 7:24. see, i know what i'm talking about. The fact is, everyone is going to judge you and you are going to judge everyone. you don't think about how when you judge, you play God. you don't think about when you call someone ugly, you're mocking God's creation. That's not the way people really think, or at least it's not how i think. If you want to know what i think, i think that trinity wants to change us and make us all perfect children who will sit quietly but speak up when noonne else will. only when noone else will. we're to be seen, not heard, unless you're one of the chosen ones that teachers shine their light of attention on. Anyway, Judging is just a natural occurence that you can try to tone down, but you can never really quash. God knows you're not perfect but he stills loves you. just like you love your friends even if they're being an inconsiderate jerk or a self righteous bitch.
     I love the people who step in and talk when there's a quiet awkward moment. Their face either gets real red, their hands shake, they go on an inner monologue, get off on a random tangent about nothing, say um a lot, mumble, or say something truely shocking. I love those moments and one of these days i'm gonna reach for that microphone and really speak my mind. that may have to wait til closer to graduation because i don't want to take any chances. Look around the assembly and watch people's facial expressions. i've been told mine are pretty hilarious. some people laugh, look totally awkward, fidgit, study their AP Chem, fall asleep, or sit in rapt attention. it's almost as entertaining as the whole assembly. So, i guess this is just some food for thought. feel free to disagree but say it to my face please, that's my favorite.
Cause I have other things to fill my time
You take what is yours and I'll take mine
Now let me at the truth
Which will refresh my broken mind
Mumford & Sons
and scene.

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