Monday, February 7, 2011

I think someone just touched my kinda makes me feel attractive

Our little title comes from none other than Weebs. She uttered this precious little quip at play practice tonight and earned a few spanks from everyone in earshot. She's so precious, who wouldn't want to tap that?
      So this morning i was looking especially fine. I bopped into school with my little kitten eyes, trying to discern people from can imagine how hazardous driving was this lovely monday morning. A few of us were sitting in our little nook, as we affectionately call it, in the senior locker hall when we started discussing future blog topics. (I'm pretty excited because emily is letting me use her name) Anyways, emily was the one who came up with today's topic: choices of attire at Trinity. I can lump these groups up pretty quick. Since i'm a certified people watcher, i notice the minute or drastic changes that people partake in on a daily basis. First, when girls come to school without makeup on. It's ok if you're not into the whole better yourself by use of makeup and don't wear it on a daily basis, but when it's a daily thing for you: don't come to school without it on! It only causes double takes and weird looks. It's also really distracting to talk to someone who isn't looking like their usual self, my eyes keep roaming over their face like they're deformed or something. Look, we know you had a really hard night but it only takes five minutes to slap a little bit of makeup on. Don't come into school looking like a ghost or a zombie. please, i beg of you. Next we have emily and my personal favorite the: I swear, I'm so tired that I didn't try at all this morning but I look like a model. Ok, if you didn't try at all this morning to look presentable, then you must sleep in five pounds of makeup that magically doesn't smear and stays flawless. you also must hover in your sleep because that perfectly curled hair has not touched a pillow. i can see the hairspray for God's sake. Just admit that you spent an hour getting ready or just keep your mouth shut. I sincerely don't think its cool to be like: yeah, i totally woke up this way. no you did not, stop lying. i've seen what you look like when you wake up, remember? you look more like old greg than kim kardashian, mmkay?
      When girls come into school after a breakup you can so tell. It's really sad and i know i shouldn't make fun of it but i can't help it. this is all i'm going to say about it: we all know, ok? so, it kinda bugs me when people wear tennis shoes to school every single day. you gonna go jog to class? how about some laps around the gym? hurry, there's a race to the lunch line! i wore some tennis shoes to school last week but it was raining people! and people made comments so i better get some of those super cool nike shoes that everybody has in every color under the sun. hopefully, then i'll be accepted as a lil prep. I like consistancy, everyone is gonna have a rough day every now and then because noone is perfect but honestly, i'm gonna notice. sorry. i love wearing my big sweatshirts to school so i'm letting that one slide. it's all about comfort when you have to be trapped in hell for 7 hours a day. ok, one last thing: DO NOT, under any circumstances, wear the same thing to school everyday. i don't know if you've washed it but i know you have to have some other uniform just have to. and yes, people notice, even if they don't say anything. they're all thinking: has she worn those pants everyday in a row? has he worn that shirt for the past two weeks? like for real, just steal somebody's and change it up yall. I really hate the overly strict rule that no nonuniform outwear can be worn. we have someone who takes up non trinity sweatshirts and jackets in the morning...doesn't that consitute as stealing? but, who am i to say anything. ok, i gotta mention whitney's cardigans. they are her trademark and she can rock a cardy. she so cute! next time you see her, tell her so. so, tomorrow when you're walking the halls, see what kind of person someone is or what kind of day they're having by their uniform choice or just how they lookin. sorry if this post is shallow, but you know yout think about exactly what i'm saying.
I need love cause only love is true
I need every waking hour with you
and my friends cause they're so beautiful
yeah my friends they all so beautiful...haha so keep your makeup on ladies
Band of Skulls
and scene.

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