Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hop shuffle step, flap ball change

i tapped today for the first time in years. you know, tap as in shuffling around on a floor, wearing little clappy things on your dance shoes, and doing little tricks for the crowd. Apparrently, we need a few tappers for some sound emphasis for our upcoming school play: Crazy for you. well honestly, i think it's pretty cam crazy to have only 6 people in the whole class tappin about but i'm just a lowly dancer so my opinion is basically nonexistant. Just thought i'd let that little scene in my day be known.
     I really love people watching, it's one of my favorite past times and you could call me a master at the art. Maybe i'm a creeper but hey, so is everyone else. I was totally zoned out in lunch and i caught myself staring into my cup like a fleetwood mac song describing clouds in coffee...weird. What brought me back to reality? Someone at my table was loudly comparing the lunchroom to a zoo and i couldn't agree more. Has anyone ever noticed how freaking insane and animalist people are? like, honestly, everyone is pretty crazy and each person reminds me of a certain animal. Next time you're in your lunch room, take a step back and gaze at the wonder that is called high school. You've got your table of kings of the jungle. these are, you guessed it, the stereotypical sports guys, jocks if you will. These guys are unmistakeable and own their section. You've got your sloths, the ones that bop around at a speed of about  .5 miles per hour. These people, god knows what they do to look like that and i sure as hell don't want to know. next, you've got your gazelles or grass eaters. These are the girls that can apparently survive on digesting a huge gust of wind on the way to school each morning or on two saltine crackers. just two, because anymore than that is gluttony and that's a sin. Oh, we can't forget the monkeys. These are the guys that bounce off the walls, talk a little too loud, and act more animal than man. these guys really tick me off sometimes. You can't have gazelles without having your elephants. These are the girls that eat their feelings and they feel ALOT. i love food too, like love love food but a little jog to recompensate is also nice. We have my table, i think of them as panthers or some strong feline of that kind. my friends might look nice, but one false move and you could be ripped to shreads so tread lightly honey. next, you've got your kittens. these are the girls that look sweet and nice but if you step on their tail, or dont agree with their beliefs, they will claw your eyes out. youve been warned. i avoid these at all costs because apparently, i'm mean and if you're openly mean, that means i'm going to hell and that is NOT exceptable. you've got your clingy spidermonkeys, your awkward giraffes or newborn horses that make up the 9th grade, and little bug look alikes. How all these animals survive in harmony is amazing to me but sometimes little tussels accur and thats when the fun begins. the looks shared when one animal group intrudes upon the other can be super scary and could end in some bloodshed, figuratively of course because fights don't happen at my school. it's not promoted, next time you're bored out of your mind, watch people, group them into the animal groups i've suggested, and come up with your own.
Here we go again
We're sick like animals
We play pretend
You're just a cannibal
And I'm afraid I wont get out alive
No I won't sleep tonight
neon trees
and scene.

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