Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I'm kind of a freak- weebs

Tick tick tick. the second hand on the clock is moving but it's so slow that you keep checking to see if it's still going. We all have that teacher. the one whos voice is like nails on a chalkboard. I sit in a scratched up desk in a math classroom and stare at the asylum colored walls while a monotonous voice behind me drones on and on. It's my teacher. if you go to my school, you totally know who  i'm referring to. I've been taking spanish for four years and i still couldnt find my way out of a truck stop in mexico. We're reading this book that insults my senior intelligence. It's filled with a myriad of stories that MAKE NO SENSE. the current story: about a cardboard box. no lie. But lets back up. this morning, i was in bible. my kitten eyes had barely begun to look normal and i was in no mood for trivial nonsense. I hear a shrill voice from down the hall and i know she's coming. Everyone's face perceptively change. You can feel the: "Oh God" about to make its way from everyone's throats. . Whitney "Weebs" is the name boys and girls. We go wayyy back when i used to beat her with sticks on the kindergarten playground. We've had a tumultuous relationship filled with bitch outs, cutting comments, dirty looks, and just plain hatred. Since it's senior year, im trying this new ish called being nice. It's a work in progress. i thoroughly enjoy watching her freak out, it's more entertaining then watch justin beiber get whacked in the face with a water bottleI'm sitting in the senior lounge right now trying to hold my tongue. I can now admit i would miss her if she died, but i digress. Whitney bolts into the room, not sporting her trademark cardigan as usual. Whitney says she has self esteem issues because people used to steal her clothes, pull her hair, call her names, and stare at her. thats so b.s. weebs, get over it already. Anyways she saunters into the room and plops herself down, talking in her loudest volume as usual. We talk about school improvement today and it's so annoying. Contradictory statements abound as we suggest new ways to improve our "christian" school. You think they're going to listen? think again fellow students. I was totally over the whole school improvement crap so i brace myself for second period where my soul will slowly erode. My fellow friend in torture shares my dreary sentiments. We pretend to listen and it's to no avail. He appears to notice the glazed over stares and sarcastic remarks that are his daily punishment. Bravo, senor. He wants us to repeat lines like trained monkeys and i have to restrain myself from hurling myself out the door or better yet, from a 10 story building.  love how it's the longest period of the day. So, when 9 a.m. rolls around, say a little prayer for the bitch pack in spanish...we'll be on our way to Chuck Palahniuk's One flew over the cuckoos nest fairly soon.  love my daily lobotomy.
"when did she get all goth?'
and scene

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