Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hold Me Back...

          First of all, I offer my most sincere apologies for neglecting my blog for so long. I know, it's been a travesty. This recount of my "fun filled" weekend should make up for it though. At Trinity, there's this little club called Youth YMCA. And in this club, you will find some of the most overachieving, government obsessed teenagers on the planet. When you're in Trinity's YMCA, you pretty much get sucked into Alabama's Youth in Government Program. I, myself have been a part of Alyig since a fresh faced freshman of 15. oh, how the years have flown. When we attended our first youth legislature, there was only about 10 of us and we had a blast just running around the hotel and laughing at the awkward people. Now, our group has grown to include at least fifty something people. Last year, it was crazzaayy. Everyone, not just the government lovers, went and it was so much fun. This year: complete nightmare.
         Let me rephrase that: not a complete nightmare. There were some shining beacons of hope called haley, madison, weebs, and a few choice others. Some ish went down this weekend, ya'll. Not gonna elaborate but i'll dance around the edges throughout my tale. So, when I was told I had to submit my bill for youth leg, I was in a tizzy because I only had like 45 minutes to do it. So, I randomly got the idea while watching some gazelles at lunch practically picking chocolate chips out of cookies to save a few calories. The horror! I rushed to a computer and typed up a bill in literally 10 minutes. I was formulating a piece of legislation that would skate through unseen. Not a piece of ignorance so as to diminish my intelligence, but not a beast of a bill that would get everyone's blood pumping and land me first in the House Chamber. That's like being fed to a pack of rabid wolves. Anyways, i roll up to the renaissance, cause we couldn't have it at the embassey this year, for shame. Yeah yeah the renaissance is prestigious and stuff but give me the embasseys expanse of open space anyday. Of course we congregate into our little huddles, just us trinites until the buses bust up. Yuck, i hate those buses. One even has a few bullet holes...classy. So we sit in the  House, not an actual home, but the House of Reps in big comfy chairs for hourssss and listen to people drone on and on about their closeminded beliefs. yada yada yada. Apparently people like my little bill on including calorie content in correspondence to food choices...go figure. Whitney had to act like a psycho, she took her positon as floor leader very very seriously. she even inadvertantly told me to put up my kindle. crazy girl. our lunch was sub par as always and everyone got a shock by seeing the rsa activity building with sober eyes. it was crazy. we all bop back to the hotel just in time for roll call which is the most rediculous thing ever to try and capture a teenages attention. After all this fun, me and hay vay go to pop some popcorn by help of the bar staff. they were totes awesome. I hear some apalling news and turn into a panther for the night. Scary, right? Some bitch even had a close shave when she annoyingly laughed when my back was turned. Since I'm classy, i didn't bite her head off. It could have also been because staff were everywhere...oh well. Don't ya love little freshman rats? uh oh, better change the subject. The night was enteresting to say the least, apparently the walls are paper thin so everyone could hear me screaming profanities...whoops.
      On saturday i wake up in the morning feeling like ive been sucking on a cotton ball and been hit over the head all in one fell swoop. I have to make the grueling walk of shame to the room where my suitcase was and of course, haley and i have to venture down to the lobby, seeing everyone we know, and get a room key. The whole day drags by and the drama is boiling. There's a governors ball tonight and everyone can barely contain themselves. I have never seen so many socially awkward, visibly horny weirdos in my life. I go to Wintzells with some pretty cool studs then i go to leks with the best seniors ever. I even got to spend some of the night with  the girls from Boston. We taught them about the religion of Auburn football and introduced  them, yes introduced, them to CAM NEWTON. They're fans now to say the least. They listened to us ramble on and on about southern traditions and the racial struggles of the south. i think we made a good impression. The governor's ball was ballin...yeah...lets just say logan can move with the best of em. bottoms up? We ended today and oh my gosh did i forget to mention that mine and haley's bill was deemed one the the most outstanding bills in the house? go this weekend was crazy. sometimes i wanted to kill people but not my roomates who partook in pillow talk and screamed with me when the ghost of our room turned the lights off. Definately corrupted the little homeschooled kids at my FINAL youth leg. Sad? no. college staff next year? HELL NO.
stay classy.
and scene.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

I'm Just Gonna Go With It

      I'm in the mood to do a movie review. Last night, I had the pleasure of seeing Just Go With It. I guess you could call it a romantic comedy, emphasis on the comedy. It co-stared Adam Sandler and Jennifer Anniston. Now, I'm a fan of Sandler even if he is one of the most unattractive people I have ever seen. The man is pretty dang funny, including his awkward, amorphous body shape. And Anniston, well she's pretty much perfect. I just love her but I have the sneaky suspicion that she might have a personality flaw or be a teense crazy. How else can you explain someone that beautiful being alone? Anyway, Nicole Kidman, who i think is awesome, and Dave Matthews also starred in this hilarious farce. Their characters are in a word: different.
     The movie starts off back in the 80's at a wedding. How do I know this? Well the ten layers of makeup, hair that a monsoon couldn't budge, teal tuxedos, and chiffon chiffon chiffon were kind of a dead giveaway. Sandler starts out with this ridiculous snoz, i call it this because he's a jew, and overhears his wife talking about the reasons she's marrying him, none of them are because of love. So, the gilted jew goes to a bar to stave off the pain. He realizes that he can use his wedding ring to seduce unsuspecting women into giving him a pity...well you know. So there goes his life for years, minus the huge nose and a real wife. But when he meets this buxom, blonde bombshell at a plastic surgery party (she swears she hasn't had any...), he then gets caught up in a huge lie where he has to create a fake wife, fake family, the works. He employs his assitant, Anniston, to be his wife and cleans her up so she looks amazing. He even uses her weird kids to keep the ball rolling. Sandler even gets pushed into a corner where he takes the lot to Hawaii on a vacation where tons of drama goes down. This movie is riddled with sarcastic humor and I seriously have not laughed so hard in a movie in so long. I really thought it was going to a stereotypical romantic comedy where i could predict everything. Sure, i predicted some stuff but it was just so funny that I didn't care. It takes a lot to impress me where a movie is concerned.
      Sandler's girlfriend, or "daddy's whore" as his fake daughter puts it, is definitely beautiful but her acting was sub par. Her role is absent at some points so you are spared from her inabilities for a while. She's supposed to be a 6th grade math teacher. But tell me, when have you ever seen a math teacher that looked like that? Most of em are overweight and mean as hell. And she works at a Catholic school...right. The girl is a little chunky so it should appease some of the girls who go with their boyfriends to see it. Last night, I definitely saw some attempted eye gouging when she popped up on screen in her bikini. I'm not like that but I thought it was pretty funny. The kids cracked me up the entire movie. One was a brooding little boy boardering on emo while the little girl was a drama queen who would bust out in a british accent for no reason. I think it's kinda interesting how Jennifer Anniston is going for the mommy roles now. She's definitely not shooting for the gritty roles like she had in The Good Girl. One of my personal favs with Jake Gyllenhal playing opposite her. yum. Anyway, I thought this movie was good for a date night. It's easy going, you don't have to delve into it because the plot is nice and shallow, and it gives you a good laugh. It does have a generic ending that i totally saw coming but it didnt't really matter because I was too busy laughing. Sorry girls, no one is fairly attractive so it gets a deduction for zero eye candy for girls. I'm giving the movie 3 out of five stars. It's really good, just not a lot of deep stuff to work with.
and scene.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

But We're Seniors...

       This is how i feel half the time. Not a crazy freak like Mel Gibson, but like i'm going into a battlezone everyday. As a senior, we hold a solemn duty to become apathetic, suffering under the horrid and very real condition of senioritus, maintaining a mediocre average in all classes, develop a surly attitude, and have a devil may care approach on anything that could influence our futures. We are told that we have lost all respect for our authorities. Well, all i have to say is this: I've been here for thirteen years. I've been a pretty damn good student and I'm sick of it. I've done the busy work, studied my butt off for stupid tests, kissed the ass of a teacher to get that extra .5 for an A, and suffered the embarrassment of teachers not minding their own business. After thirteen years i should be pretty well prepared for college and if not, there is no possible way you are cramming it into my brain in the last few months. I don't understand how a teacher can say we've become lazy and careless. We. Are. Tired. Most people have already gotten accepted, enrolled in their college of choice, framed their coveted scholarships, and have a room all ready for them when August rolls around. The myth that your grades don't matter second semester is not a myth. Teachers say they still count, but i just think they don't want to go buy a bunch of new red pens to grade the tests in which everyone failed. We seniors have a lot going on. Our parents are stage five clingers half the time, a teacher is shoving a term paper down our throats, people are all starting to date at once and it's nauseating, adults are criticizing us every second, and we still get treated like children at school where we are the oldest.
    I'm tired of being called the worst grade at Trinity. Most people have mellowed out this year and we didn't even participate in the age old tradition of the junior senior war. We only get a day off, just one. This year, we haven't been treated with the same courtesy or received the same lavish customs classes before us have. This is all due to the preconceived notion that we are all lazy morons who all must have "Rebel Without A Cause" tattooed on our foreheads. I honestly don't see how we're that bad after all the stuff i've seen go down a trinity. A hem, xanax? But anyways, I'm just sitting here, keep in mind I have to leave for play practice in about half an hour, and I have an impossible AP Bio test tomorrow. It's on genetics. Now listen, I wasn't trying to be an over achiever this year by taking all these ap classes, it was the only science class they could fit me in. Now, shouldn't trinity bear the brunt of my punishment of failing these tests since they got me into this mess? Of course not, because i'm lazy, and a procrastinator, and i'm going to hell if I don't get an A. I'm pretty fired up if you can't tell. I know i'm not the only senior who's this steamed about the crap we go through. We still get demerits for uniforms which i think is absurd. Cut us some slack, our brains are about mush (some already resemble a cup of oatmeal). I know we get off campus lunch and a senior lounge. I also know if the administration read this they would call me an ungrateful brat who is never satisfied but, i'm sorry. I just can't wait til May 19th and I know, deep down, every teacher at trinity will exude a sigh of relief when our caps fly in the air. So, class of 2011, stick it out for the remaining, what is it? 92 days? We're almost out of hell...sure does suck for the rest of ya'll.
So come on over and knock on our door,
it's open whatchu waitin' for?
We might be sprawled out on the floor,
but we still make lovely company.
Pull up a chair, I'll pour some tea,
We'll shoot the shit, 'bout everything,
till you get sick of politics,
and flip on the TV screen,
That Donnie Darko DVD has been repeating for a week,
and we know every single word.
We are very busy people. 
The Limousines 
it's been stuck in my head and it's pretty applicable, don't ya think? 
and scene.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Roses are red, unoxygenated blood is blue, Auschwitz sucks, and Valentine's Day does too.

     I promised a lot of people that i would do a blog on valentine's day and i'm a girl of my word. Today was valentine's day. A day filled with an explosion of red, pink, heart shaped everything, annoying balloons, hand holding, cheap, fluffy animals, candy, chocolate, candy, and those three little words that can make someone's day or make someone gag and cringe all in one swift movement. I don't know about you, but when someone hands you that little box of conversation hearts, i just wanna throw that damn box right back at em. I don't want a box to say all that stuff to me, it's a lil creepy and if i see one more generic valentine day package of roses, chocolates, and a teddy bear, i'm gonna scream. I also don't like walking into a restaurant a few days before vday and trying to find my way through the lambrynth of balloons just to get a heart shaped bowl of rice. I'm talkin bout you Leks.
      This morning, I didn't even realize it was d-day. I was pretty pumped because I got some awesome new red lipstick and I was going to actually wear it. When I bopped downstairs ready to go, my mom pounced with a "Happy Valentine's Day!" and a heart shaped krispy kreme doughnut waiting for me. "You look so festive with your red lipstick!" I stared at her with horror. I ran upstairs and wiped that junk off. No way I was gonna look like I tried to look LOVEly on valentine's day. Totes embarrassing. I had my depressing V-day playlist playing in the car so i was raring to go. I get into school and most people look like they're dreading the day too. Unless you're one of those people who already got their present and have a skip in your step and a little song in your heart to start the day. I'm not a huge cynic or down with valentine's day kind of person. I'm not hating on the day of love, some stuff about it just bugs me. Like the fact that some people call it "Single Awareness Day." Thats just SAD people. It's not embarrassing to be single on valentines day. Better to be single and happy than with some jerk of a person just for the sake of having a relationship. I really love when teachers give you candy or cupcakes. Thats what my english teacher did, she's awesome. I also love the fact that we watched a video on the holocaust today. Nothing says I love you like a gas chamber. Oh, Auschwitz.
    Anyway, I realized that I had to give blood today...Super exciting right? Is it embarrassing to say it was the most action some people were getting all day? Well, if you go to my school, you've probably already heard about my little adventure with my blood donation. I was feeling fine. I was getting some bonus points for AP Bio that i desperately need, also I was saving a life so that's important too, its a big plus and my good deed for the day. After being complimented on my extremely good hemoglobin levels, answering a little questionare filled with questions on if i had sex with people who have had unmentionable diseases, and spending five minutes spelling my name, I was strapped to a gurney and having my arm swabbed clean. Of course I had the bed that was in clear view of the ring of waiting donors, it wouldn't be my life if my embarrassment wasn't put on display. Ok, so my nurse was telling me how much she loved sage, the dining service at school, while she told me just to expect a "stick and a sting." It really didn't hurt and I was real lucid for about 10 minutes, then all of a sudden, I looked at Trey and said: I'm gonna throw up. Now, anyone who knows me knows that I can't throw up. like, i promise i can't. Suddenly, the whole room is going all splotchy and my vision is fading in and out. A bag gets shoved in my face to catch potential throw up, people are surrounding me saying stuff that sounds like a teacher in charlie brown. Wah Wah Wah. I black out for a sec and wake up to this big guy, who faintly reminds me of madea, rubbing freezing cold towels over my face. Is it bad that my first though is please stop wiping all my makeup off? I'm feelin real nauseous and he's making me cough and keep my eyes open. When it's all over, everybody's staring and it's freaking hot in the gym. Its like the whole world has come to stand vigil at my gurney...great. They make me stay a little while and get bombarded with "Are you ok? I though you died." It was great, ya'll. We then had senior lunch and it was awful. Me and my pale self just went and sat in the sun, hoping i might look less like a chalky corpse but in vain. It was a totally romantic v-day. I got to dance at a basketball game too and almost passed out in the process. Overall, today wasn't too obnoxious and lovey dovey. Yeah, some people bragged about the flowers they got or how much their boyfriend loved them but i was perfectly content with one of my valentines, my brother camille. So, here's a shoutout to my single ladies, to my cynics who damn valentine's day to hell, to my girls who send flowers and chocolates to themselves, to those sad people watching titanic, the notebook, or pride and prejudice with a quart of hagen and tissues, and to all those people getting some action right about now. Happy freaking Valentine's Day people. Don't be depressed but don't be so happy that i want to slap the crap outta you.
Three words that became hard to say
I and love and you
What you were then, I am today
Look at the things I do
The Avett Brothers
and scene.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hoe's Nose

Interesting title huh? It comes straight from the mouth of Sir Christopher, or as he is known to everyone else, Raz. The nickname comes from the song lookin boy and my friend Addie sure thinks he's a good lookin boy. In regards to the title, he came up with it while we were looking at some ugly girl with a big head and an even larger nose at the MA Trinity game last night. One guess what school she came from...sorry precious but a nosejob is needed. Love those friends you can make fun of people with.
     So i'm delving into the strange subject of friendship today. Friends are there to keep you company and entertain you. They're there to make you feel good when you sad, make you laugh when you're pissed, and make fun of people you just hate. There are so many types of friends its crazy. Theres the bff. best friends foeva. you do everything with this friend and they know all your secrets and you know all of their's. This is the superman of all friends. They get you. You can laugh about everything, make fun of the same stuff, have a constant awkward buddy and the works. Its kinda dangerous for someone to know that much about you because one day, you could morph into the frenemie. This is the ex best friend and they are dangerous. Its a common phenomenon. Something stupid or major happens and the friendship can shatter and you've got someone who knows everything about you, plus is pissed at you which could lead to some word vomit and your humiliation. There is another type of frenemie. It's when you're nice to someone but you really really can't stand them. I mean, loathe this person's very existence but for appearance sake, make it seem like ya'll are great friends. I have some of these. It's not healthy and i don't recommend it. You've got your friend you go to for a laugh. I love these people. These friends are so damn funny but sometimes impossible to have a serious conversation with. This leads you to the serious, heart pouring, emotional dump of a friend. This person has all the advice and is a very good listener. Everyone needs ones, just not me because i get tired of it sometimes.
          I hate it when you see someone and in your head you're like: "I know them....but how do I know them. Should I say hi? Or would it be weird?" Then it hits you: you totally stalk them on facebook. This is the downfall of facebook. You innocently go to a social gathering and you swear you know a bunch of these people but truth is, they just blow up your main embarrassing. Sometimes, and this usually gets eradicated by senior year, you've got your stage five clinger. This person follows you everywhere and there's no shaking them. You just gotta get through it and hope they understand the sarcasm you keep throwing at em. There's that acquaintance you share that one single inside joke with. You know what i'm talking about. When there's nothing else to say, I always revert back to that inside joke and it gets a laugh and a guaranteed no awkward moment. very choice. I always have the friend who gets a boyfriend and she falls off the earth for a few months. It sucks but when the breakup happens, suddenly you are a rediscovered treasure trove of fun and sympathy. it's totes great. Most people have that bitch of a friend. she's fun and stuff but you just want to slap the crap out of her most of the time. why i am still friends with those kind of people, i'll never know. I think i've covered all the friendship bases...maybe i left out the friend that gets ripped to pieces when they walk away. or the friend that is only your friend at school and not any other time. those are friends for convenience and are very useful when trying to avoid awkward moments at school. So, there's my little exploration into the world of friends. It's kind of enteresting when you think about it. I'm gonna close this out with one of my friend's and my favorite songs. it's from golden girls.
If you threw a party
invited everyone you knew
you would see the biggest gift would be from me
and the card attached would say
Thank you for being a friend
and scene.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Give Me the Freaking Mic

Now, the last thing i would want to do is step on a few toes or piss people off but there's something i just have to talk about. At trinity, we have these random assemblies. sometimes, we have someone from an abortion clinic come and scar people for life. other times we have a man come in and snap every few seconds, emphasizing our emminent death. why, just a week or two ago we had a guy come in, showing us pretty graphic videos of car crashes, ordering us to not text while driving, and leaving everyone a bit queasy but still texting on their way home from school. But, when the students of TPS enter Willet hall and see the chairs arranged in a U shape...we all suppress a groan of exasperation. If you have no idea what i'm talking about, let me elaborate. The administration thinks its a bonding experience when students lead an assembly and, to add even more fuel to the fun fire, they arrange the chairs so that you're facing rows and rows of your fellow school mates and another group gets to face the speakers. The speakers, always a few outspoken, passionate students, nervously roam about the room, rambling about a point while trying to entice the apathetic student body to participate in the discussion. We always have a few eager participants who almost rip the speaker's arm off to get the mic and have their 5 minutes in the spot light. Apparently, one of these assemblies will change our lives forever and we will take everything to heart and leave a changed person. I have never once seen this fabled epiphany.
      One thing that i hate: being told what to do. It just grates on my nerves when someone, especially someone my own age or younger, tells me what to do. especially when the reason is flimsy and easily dismembered. Today's assembly was on judging. well, at least i think it was. it went from living a blessed life, to not judging, to guilt, back to not judging. I don't know how all these issues got lumped together but whatev. Let it be known: i'm not making fun of the speakers today. i applaude their confidence and enthusiasm that they felt for this issue and i listened to everything they said. i'm just offering my take on the issue for pure entertainment purposes. I've been told, along with every person at Trinity, that I am blessed. yes, thank you teacher, i understand. but guess what? before you tell me how ungrateful i am, let it be known that you're blessed too and you're judging me by saying i'm apathetic and ungrateful. when you tell someone not to judge, it's like telling them to stop being a human. Judging someone is human nature, just like vanity, pride, and even eating. When you condemn people and tell them not to judge others, you're being a hypocrite. Everyone judges. yes, in Matthew 7 it says judge not lest you be judged but as my friend whitney said today: doesn't it also say that you can judge, but with right judgement? that's in John 7:24. see, i know what i'm talking about. The fact is, everyone is going to judge you and you are going to judge everyone. you don't think about how when you judge, you play God. you don't think about when you call someone ugly, you're mocking God's creation. That's not the way people really think, or at least it's not how i think. If you want to know what i think, i think that trinity wants to change us and make us all perfect children who will sit quietly but speak up when noonne else will. only when noone else will. we're to be seen, not heard, unless you're one of the chosen ones that teachers shine their light of attention on. Anyway, Judging is just a natural occurence that you can try to tone down, but you can never really quash. God knows you're not perfect but he stills loves you. just like you love your friends even if they're being an inconsiderate jerk or a self righteous bitch.
     I love the people who step in and talk when there's a quiet awkward moment. Their face either gets real red, their hands shake, they go on an inner monologue, get off on a random tangent about nothing, say um a lot, mumble, or say something truely shocking. I love those moments and one of these days i'm gonna reach for that microphone and really speak my mind. that may have to wait til closer to graduation because i don't want to take any chances. Look around the assembly and watch people's facial expressions. i've been told mine are pretty hilarious. some people laugh, look totally awkward, fidgit, study their AP Chem, fall asleep, or sit in rapt attention. it's almost as entertaining as the whole assembly. So, i guess this is just some food for thought. feel free to disagree but say it to my face please, that's my favorite.
Cause I have other things to fill my time
You take what is yours and I'll take mine
Now let me at the truth
Which will refresh my broken mind
Mumford & Sons
and scene.

Monday, February 7, 2011

I think someone just touched my kinda makes me feel attractive

Our little title comes from none other than Weebs. She uttered this precious little quip at play practice tonight and earned a few spanks from everyone in earshot. She's so precious, who wouldn't want to tap that?
      So this morning i was looking especially fine. I bopped into school with my little kitten eyes, trying to discern people from can imagine how hazardous driving was this lovely monday morning. A few of us were sitting in our little nook, as we affectionately call it, in the senior locker hall when we started discussing future blog topics. (I'm pretty excited because emily is letting me use her name) Anyways, emily was the one who came up with today's topic: choices of attire at Trinity. I can lump these groups up pretty quick. Since i'm a certified people watcher, i notice the minute or drastic changes that people partake in on a daily basis. First, when girls come to school without makeup on. It's ok if you're not into the whole better yourself by use of makeup and don't wear it on a daily basis, but when it's a daily thing for you: don't come to school without it on! It only causes double takes and weird looks. It's also really distracting to talk to someone who isn't looking like their usual self, my eyes keep roaming over their face like they're deformed or something. Look, we know you had a really hard night but it only takes five minutes to slap a little bit of makeup on. Don't come into school looking like a ghost or a zombie. please, i beg of you. Next we have emily and my personal favorite the: I swear, I'm so tired that I didn't try at all this morning but I look like a model. Ok, if you didn't try at all this morning to look presentable, then you must sleep in five pounds of makeup that magically doesn't smear and stays flawless. you also must hover in your sleep because that perfectly curled hair has not touched a pillow. i can see the hairspray for God's sake. Just admit that you spent an hour getting ready or just keep your mouth shut. I sincerely don't think its cool to be like: yeah, i totally woke up this way. no you did not, stop lying. i've seen what you look like when you wake up, remember? you look more like old greg than kim kardashian, mmkay?
      When girls come into school after a breakup you can so tell. It's really sad and i know i shouldn't make fun of it but i can't help it. this is all i'm going to say about it: we all know, ok? so, it kinda bugs me when people wear tennis shoes to school every single day. you gonna go jog to class? how about some laps around the gym? hurry, there's a race to the lunch line! i wore some tennis shoes to school last week but it was raining people! and people made comments so i better get some of those super cool nike shoes that everybody has in every color under the sun. hopefully, then i'll be accepted as a lil prep. I like consistancy, everyone is gonna have a rough day every now and then because noone is perfect but honestly, i'm gonna notice. sorry. i love wearing my big sweatshirts to school so i'm letting that one slide. it's all about comfort when you have to be trapped in hell for 7 hours a day. ok, one last thing: DO NOT, under any circumstances, wear the same thing to school everyday. i don't know if you've washed it but i know you have to have some other uniform just have to. and yes, people notice, even if they don't say anything. they're all thinking: has she worn those pants everyday in a row? has he worn that shirt for the past two weeks? like for real, just steal somebody's and change it up yall. I really hate the overly strict rule that no nonuniform outwear can be worn. we have someone who takes up non trinity sweatshirts and jackets in the morning...doesn't that consitute as stealing? but, who am i to say anything. ok, i gotta mention whitney's cardigans. they are her trademark and she can rock a cardy. she so cute! next time you see her, tell her so. so, tomorrow when you're walking the halls, see what kind of person someone is or what kind of day they're having by their uniform choice or just how they lookin. sorry if this post is shallow, but you know yout think about exactly what i'm saying.
I need love cause only love is true
I need every waking hour with you
and my friends cause they're so beautiful
yeah my friends they all so beautiful...haha so keep your makeup on ladies
Band of Skulls
and scene.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Look ma, no hands

For the past four years, almost every friday and occasionally a precious saturday has been sacrificed to the world of Trinity athletics. At trinity, athletics trump academics but the administration would never admit that. So, since i'm on the dance team, it has been my solemn duty to attend every football game, whether it be three hours away or on our own hallowed turf. Don't get me wrong, i look back and i've enjoyed my past four years dancing my high school life away. My perfect attendance has equipped me with vast judging skills and an immense knowlege of the much loved sports: football and basketball. Last night, and later on today, i attended the varsity boys and girls basketball games where I passed my periodical boredom by talking to and about people. that's always fun. If you've ever been to a basketball game, any basketball game, you should know that many a people show up since it's the only thing to do in montgomery on a friday night at 7. At these games, the good, the bad, and the ugly show up and everyone, i mean everyone, notices what you're wearing. It's honestly very hard not to judge. It's like putting a slice of devil's food cake in front of a fat girl and saying "don't even think about it, sweetie." It's not gonna happen. So, when you arrive at a basketball game, youre not just there to watch the game. you're there to people watch as well, it's part of the entertainment. People strut down the court in front of the crowd like it's a freaking runway or some people see it as a walk into the lions den. I personally love seeing the outfits people bust up in. you've got your too cool to dress up kids who wear sweatpants, tshirts, and occasionally some sleepwear footwear. I'm guilty of the sweatshirt over my uniform but if i have to suffer through wearing that thing, then i should be comfortable in the process. You've got your middle schoolers wearing their jeggings and limited too tshirts that are so tight you could read what size training bra theyre wearing. Some people dress up like they're going to a new york fashion show while others just play it low key, after all, it is a basketball game not the oscars. I'm sorry, but i totally don't understand when random people from other schools show up to a trinity game. isn't your own school playing tonight? I love when people get there at halftime, you totally just missed half the game for the sake of being late but more power to ya. Anyways, after mentally and verbally ripping people to shreads you settle in to enjoy the game.
      Let's focus on the antics of the crowd now. If it's a rival game, such as stj or ma, you're in for a treat. Guys in the crowd go crazzzy and hurl insults from across the court. screaming obscene nicknames, blowing those annoying vuvuzelas, calling players gay, degrading people's mamas, and chanting things that can't even be deciphered but it sounds cool. The constant sit down, stand up, chant with the cheerleaders, sweating because its 100 degrees in the gym, getting smushed so someone can sit by who they're "talking" to can be so annoying and gets old easily but thank goodness i actually enjoy guy's basketball. no offense to the lady wildcats, but i like watching the guys better. it's more entertaining when a 6' tall guy dramatically trips or gets pushed to the ground and they just kinda lie there....but i digress. Basketball games are actually really fun sometimes and i appreciate the sport and the players. I enjoy the screaming, searching for a seat, yelling ohhhh even though you have no idea what happened, and standing in little clumps after the game just to talk. I also appreciate the entertainment the students unwittingly provide. nothing like a trinity sporting event to get the blood pumping.
and scene.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wait, now whats the situation?

At my school, a few of us have developed a certain obsession with a little show called Jersey Shore. Each week, millions of people tune in on thursday nights to watch this strangely entertaining show and laugh at the stupidity the characters exhibit on an episodely basis. For example, at play practice tonight people were starting to get a little testy that we would miss this weeks jersey shore. Threats were hurled, dirty looks were plentiful, and tensions were high. When we were realeased from the bondage of play practice, stage crew, teachers, cast, myself included, practically tripped over each other to get to their cars and haul it to their homes to settle down for some dirty shore fun.
     What makes this insane show so dang addicting and entertaining? let's take a look. the carnal intentions, constant partying, and insane drama paired with a group whose mindset includes gym, tan, and laundry make for a money making, jaw dropping, obsession causing riot. This show just keeps reeling viewers in while simultaneously making the world step back and say: what the hell? I can honestly say i was a little skeptical when i first started watching the show. I'm not usually attracted to the crazy reality show featuring a bunch of dirty, drunk kids from new jersey but after the first episode, i was hooked. i've seen every episode and while i know it's morally repugnant and infused with ignorance, i can't stop watching my shore friends each week. This week's episode was filled with the usual drunken antics, a smush or two, a grenade appearance, tshirt time, a ronnie and sam fight, and a weird trip to a sex shop. but, this week brought something extra special to spice up the party: a rectal exam for ron. Oh, i know it sounds so gross but the look of pain and panic on this juiced up, orange guido's face made me laugh so freaking hard. for some unknown reason ron had a little trouble in the trunk department due to excessive drinking so he's got to tone it down. sam was there, to laugh at him, all the way to the doctor's office. hey, i would too if my boyfriend made a mess on himself everywhere he went. snooks fell asleep in a the doggie bed...and a trip to Karma landed her the first smush she's had in three months. the guy, who's name escapes me, smushed snooks on her time of the month, wrecked the stripper pole, and finally got ousted when he admitted to being engaged once. snookie obviously can't be with a guy who's been that commited! thats just crazy talk for our dear nicole. Deena found a guy too but she's too classy to smush on the first date so they snuggled, she swears ya'll. The guidettes headed to a sex shop and tried on costumes for some unknown reason. typical testosterone pumping space filler. Pauly, my personal fav, ran into his grenade stalker from miami and continued to make fun of her for the entire evening. bravo pauly d, i heartily applaude you. the episode wraps up with yet another dramatic and senseless fight between ron and sam. noone can ever keep up with the reason why they're fighting not even them. they broke up...yet again and just "need some time apart." we all know where this is going, they are definately everyone's favorite disfunctional couple that we love to hate or some people just love.
       So, this week's episode was drama filled and definately delievered in the strange department. there was never a dull moment, not even when ron puked and sam lovingly stood by his side, laughing and accidentally sticking her hand in it. here's my look at the characters: sam is stupid when it comes to ron. she can be a stuckup bitch but you gotta love that sweet little face. jwow is a man with boobs, sincerely. snookie is like a little erotic hampster that is entertaining as hell. deena is basically snookie reincarnated. pauly d is the most well groomed guy ive ever seen, obsessign with tshirt time, and his hair could withstand 50 m.p.h. winds.
ron is a juicehead with the most annoying laugh but he somehow loves sam. the situation gets on my nerves so bad with his constant creeping and masochistic ways plus, his abs look sprayed on. vinny is forgetable sometimes but he's such a sweetheart. so, i totally can't wait til next week to see what my guidos and guidettes do next.
"it was wrong of me to laugh, who wants to bleed out of their butt? i wouldnt."
and scene.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hop shuffle step, flap ball change

i tapped today for the first time in years. you know, tap as in shuffling around on a floor, wearing little clappy things on your dance shoes, and doing little tricks for the crowd. Apparrently, we need a few tappers for some sound emphasis for our upcoming school play: Crazy for you. well honestly, i think it's pretty cam crazy to have only 6 people in the whole class tappin about but i'm just a lowly dancer so my opinion is basically nonexistant. Just thought i'd let that little scene in my day be known.
     I really love people watching, it's one of my favorite past times and you could call me a master at the art. Maybe i'm a creeper but hey, so is everyone else. I was totally zoned out in lunch and i caught myself staring into my cup like a fleetwood mac song describing clouds in coffee...weird. What brought me back to reality? Someone at my table was loudly comparing the lunchroom to a zoo and i couldn't agree more. Has anyone ever noticed how freaking insane and animalist people are? like, honestly, everyone is pretty crazy and each person reminds me of a certain animal. Next time you're in your lunch room, take a step back and gaze at the wonder that is called high school. You've got your table of kings of the jungle. these are, you guessed it, the stereotypical sports guys, jocks if you will. These guys are unmistakeable and own their section. You've got your sloths, the ones that bop around at a speed of about  .5 miles per hour. These people, god knows what they do to look like that and i sure as hell don't want to know. next, you've got your gazelles or grass eaters. These are the girls that can apparently survive on digesting a huge gust of wind on the way to school each morning or on two saltine crackers. just two, because anymore than that is gluttony and that's a sin. Oh, we can't forget the monkeys. These are the guys that bounce off the walls, talk a little too loud, and act more animal than man. these guys really tick me off sometimes. You can't have gazelles without having your elephants. These are the girls that eat their feelings and they feel ALOT. i love food too, like love love food but a little jog to recompensate is also nice. We have my table, i think of them as panthers or some strong feline of that kind. my friends might look nice, but one false move and you could be ripped to shreads so tread lightly honey. next, you've got your kittens. these are the girls that look sweet and nice but if you step on their tail, or dont agree with their beliefs, they will claw your eyes out. youve been warned. i avoid these at all costs because apparently, i'm mean and if you're openly mean, that means i'm going to hell and that is NOT exceptable. you've got your clingy spidermonkeys, your awkward giraffes or newborn horses that make up the 9th grade, and little bug look alikes. How all these animals survive in harmony is amazing to me but sometimes little tussels accur and thats when the fun begins. the looks shared when one animal group intrudes upon the other can be super scary and could end in some bloodshed, figuratively of course because fights don't happen at my school. it's not promoted, next time you're bored out of your mind, watch people, group them into the animal groups i've suggested, and come up with your own.
Here we go again
We're sick like animals
We play pretend
You're just a cannibal
And I'm afraid I wont get out alive
No I won't sleep tonight
neon trees
and scene.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Keep your hands to yo self

ok so i got a request from a friend to share my views on a special subject: relationships. Call me weird but relationships and "talking about your feelings" weird me the freak out. Like, it's totally great that you found that "special someone." we totally get it, so could you stop touching each other for five minutes? There are so many types of relationships. first we have my personal favorite: the couple that loves to fights, or fights to love? who knows. true that verbal slashings add a certain spice to the relationship but is tearing someone else apart constantly really healthy? like, were you checking her out? no baby, i totally wasnt checking her out! um, yes you were. so, what if i was? wah wah wah. get over the jealousy, its a sign of insecurity not a measure of how much you love someone. make me a sandwich. you make yourself a sandwich. what did you say to me? and there they go. its entertaining as hell to watch, but puts a strain on the vocal chords not to mention the ears. the DTHU couple is pretty fascinating. thats down to hook up ya'll. they are only together for physical purposes, no strings attached. i can say, that doesn't work very well because somebody is gonna give, then it just sucks. the next are my least favorite: the lovey dovey, ooey gooey, please gag me with a spoon, perfect couple. these people are few and far between but i think most of them reside in my school. pda is at an all time high and is rising fast. it's one of my pet peeves and makes me want to throw up. look, i understand that ya'll are dating. its facebook official, youre wearing his football sweatshirt like its a prom dress, and you ditch your friends at the last second just for him but honey, can you just stop touching for two seconds? it's extremely uncomfortable and makes me feel like an awkward 3. baby names are not cute either. thats for private and youre crazy if you think im interested in his shoe size, the color of his favorite boxers, or how many calories he ate yesterday. I dont want to hear his name more than i hear mine and he doesnt have to be brought up in every conversation. next we'll group the disfunctional relationships: the jealous, the awkward couple that can't be by themselves, dating for social status or looks, the controllers, and the old married couples. heres a synopsis: if youre too jealous that you must come back to accompany your boy/girlfriend  to a dance, youve got a problem. i can understand asking them not to go without you, but if you come ok, if youre texting me to hang out with you and your boyfriend because yall are so insecure and awkward that you can't sit in the same room together, theres a problem...sincerely. dating for social status and looks gross me out, dont be so fake. i'm a very controlling person so i'm guilty of that, i'll own up. the old married couple either can be totally awesome or boring as mess. well, i'm a total blog rat now and i better close this puppy up. oh and weebs and i are totally cool, i was making fun out of love...or well friendship.
and scene.

I'm kind of a freak- weebs

Tick tick tick. the second hand on the clock is moving but it's so slow that you keep checking to see if it's still going. We all have that teacher. the one whos voice is like nails on a chalkboard. I sit in a scratched up desk in a math classroom and stare at the asylum colored walls while a monotonous voice behind me drones on and on. It's my teacher. if you go to my school, you totally know who  i'm referring to. I've been taking spanish for four years and i still couldnt find my way out of a truck stop in mexico. We're reading this book that insults my senior intelligence. It's filled with a myriad of stories that MAKE NO SENSE. the current story: about a cardboard box. no lie. But lets back up. this morning, i was in bible. my kitten eyes had barely begun to look normal and i was in no mood for trivial nonsense. I hear a shrill voice from down the hall and i know she's coming. Everyone's face perceptively change. You can feel the: "Oh God" about to make its way from everyone's throats. . Whitney "Weebs" is the name boys and girls. We go wayyy back when i used to beat her with sticks on the kindergarten playground. We've had a tumultuous relationship filled with bitch outs, cutting comments, dirty looks, and just plain hatred. Since it's senior year, im trying this new ish called being nice. It's a work in progress. i thoroughly enjoy watching her freak out, it's more entertaining then watch justin beiber get whacked in the face with a water bottleI'm sitting in the senior lounge right now trying to hold my tongue. I can now admit i would miss her if she died, but i digress. Whitney bolts into the room, not sporting her trademark cardigan as usual. Whitney says she has self esteem issues because people used to steal her clothes, pull her hair, call her names, and stare at her. thats so b.s. weebs, get over it already. Anyways she saunters into the room and plops herself down, talking in her loudest volume as usual. We talk about school improvement today and it's so annoying. Contradictory statements abound as we suggest new ways to improve our "christian" school. You think they're going to listen? think again fellow students. I was totally over the whole school improvement crap so i brace myself for second period where my soul will slowly erode. My fellow friend in torture shares my dreary sentiments. We pretend to listen and it's to no avail. He appears to notice the glazed over stares and sarcastic remarks that are his daily punishment. Bravo, senor. He wants us to repeat lines like trained monkeys and i have to restrain myself from hurling myself out the door or better yet, from a 10 story building.  love how it's the longest period of the day. So, when 9 a.m. rolls around, say a little prayer for the bitch pack in spanish...we'll be on our way to Chuck Palahniuk's One flew over the cuckoos nest fairly soon.  love my daily lobotomy.
"when did she get all goth?'
and scene