Saturday, July 9, 2011

Auburn Bound But My Mind's Not So Sound

     I leave my lovely home of wetumpka for Auburn in 29 days. I know the days for sure because i have a countdown on the desktop of my mac. yes, i finally got my macbook pro and lemme tell ya, it's pretty much ballin. I can barely put this thing down because the possibilities of entertainment are endless. I named him cheese. You may scoff at my choice but it makes me laugh. You know, like mac n' cheese? you laughed, giggled, or guffawed...admit it. I even foraged the internet to find the perfect green case for him, like a little home for my baby.  Going off to college is actually a lot of work. Crazy I know since you think actually being in college would be the tough part. You really don't realize how much stuff you have to buy to get ready for the big move. After all, you are picking up and moving to a totally different, if not miniature version, of your home. There is so much ish you have to get for this room. The amount really adds up after a while. Just ask my mom, Melin gets easily upset with the rising tally. I keep telling her, it's not about the money, money, money, but she just doesn't appreciate my ode to Price-tag. $orry mom. I don't blame her though, Auburn is basically wearing a hole in her little dooney wallet. I'm actually forking over quite a hefty amount of my graduation money. I'm now a preferred customer of Urban Outfitters theses days and receive cheerful emails from them asking me to $pend more....and I do. I can't help it, all their stuff is just so cute. Same goes for amazon....can't stop.
      Speaking of Amazon and dorm decor, I recently deliberated fiercely on what movie poster to adorn the wall of my room. I chose my favorite movie: Pulp Fiction. I'm putting up a picture of what it looks like right here. I'm super duper excited! My mom thinks it sends a bad message but i don't cur. I say it sends the message that I have amazing taste in movies. Anyway, Haley and I have been trying to coordinate room colors and furniture and spacing and oh man it gets overwhelming. That and trying not to hyperventilate whenever rush is mentioned is so time consuming and tiring. So worth it though. The fact that I get to go live in Auburn keeps me going. Sure, I'm going to miss some people and aspects of my life here but Montgomery life has worn out it's welcome and i'm on the edge of my sanity, seriously my hold on reality is slipping everyday I venture into montgomery. One thing i'll miss...sushi cafe....yum yum! Anyway, camp war eagle is on monday and tuesday and i'm pretty sure it'll be an adventure. I'll blog and keep my experience posted on here. It sure to be warrrrrrrrtastic! haha i wish...
War... Eagle, fly down the field. 
Ever to conquer, never to yield. 
War... Eagle, fearless and true. 
Fight on, you orange and blue. 
Go! Go! Go! 
On to vict'ry, strike up the band. 
Give 'em hell, give 'em hell; 
Stand up and yell, Hey! War...Eagle win for Auburn, 
Power of Dixie Land! 

     LEH GO
and scene. 

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