Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The wonderful world of Fungomery

     If it was possible to die of boredom, i would be stone cold dead in my grave. I'm not being ominous, i'm just expressing my severe gut wrenching boredom that has settled around this town like a haze. I now know why the caged bird was bored. There's nothing to do and i'm going insane. I'm not the only person who feels like this, i know for sure. i've checked to make sure i don't look like a complete loser with nothing to do. I've frequented street cafe and sushi cafe so many times over the past few weeks that the waiters know my name as well as my friends. The rave doesn't card me anymore, and i'm welcomed as another family member in most houses. It's so effing hot too. I can only lay out for like 2 hours without feeling like a raisin, parched and drained by the sun. i prefer my own pool or a friend's to wynlakes. i mean, i'm sorry i don't see the appeal of a public pool where the people actually shower and fix their hair before making an entrance or where many unknown and maybe unkempt bodies float around. no offense to those who go, i just try to weasle my way out of attending when asked.
     I guess since I get to go to Auburn in like a month, i have to be punished in some way. Good fortune decided my punishment would be a summer of servitude in dazzling montgomery, al. I don't know why it bothers me so bad this summer, but this town just makes me wanna gag. At least the time is slipping away at a rapid pace. Its almost july which means my last full month living here, camp war eagle, and the last chance to get stuff for my dorm room. That's a whole other can of worms all together. I'm trying to be the best big sister i can be for carrington right now since i'm leaving her all alone with melin and doug. Poor thing. I take her to a weekly chappys breakfast and shopping trip and we actually converse in actual, meaningful conversations. I'm still trying to sell her on bon iver, kings of leon, and mumford and sons but she like passion pit, so there's progress in the musical enrichment department. She even lets me have the pleasure of chauffering her around or picking a movie to watch during a lazy afternoon. it's truly a miracle people.
    People piss me off. I thought summer would chill me out or at least help me build up a tolerance to mankind but no cigar. It's gotten worse. I seriously wonder if anyone is honest anymore or if people have any semblance of a brain. i could name a few right now but i wouldn't dare want to embarass anyone with that childishness, even if they behave so. Not everyone is bad but...most are. i never realized how full of deliverance look a likes montgomery was home too. it's amazing. sometimes, you just have to let go and realize that most people just plain suck. easier said than done. So, somebody save me from the mediocrity and monotony of montgomery pleasee. i'm beggin ya, or i'm gonna have to find something to entertain me. that might not be good for some people...
and at once i knew, i was not magnificent
strayed above the highway aisle
jagged vacance thick with ice
i could see for miles, miles, miles
bon iver
and scene.

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