Friday, July 15, 2011

It All Ends.

     Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Malfoy, Dumbledore, Hagrid, Hedwig, Hogwarts, Snape, Sirius, Bellatrix, and Voldermort. All names that have been mentioned countless times throughout a decade of my life and each with an unexplainable significance to millions.
     Last night I attended my final Harry Potter premiere and it was, in a word, bittersweet. Seeing all the other fans in wizard decor always brings back a flood of memories from my childhood. Ever since second grade, I have been engrossed with the Harry Potter world. I remember going to see that first movie in 2001 and thinking that nothing could ever top it. Throughout the years, I read every single book, buying them the day they were released and never putting them down until I was finished. The intricate world that J.K. Rowling created just fascinated me and left me, as well as many others, hungry for more. In fourth and fifth grade, let's just say I got a little obsessed. I had a major crush on Daniel Radcliffe and loved it when anyone said I looked like Hermione. I was a serious HP fan, it's a little embarrassing to look back on.
     Of course like any other fan I had my favorite characters. Harry was always number one on my list, followed closely by Sirius and Malfoy. I can't explain why I always had a thing for Malfoy, he's such a simpering guy but I feel bad for him. Sirius was just a baller, case closed. I loved Harry because he wasn't a crazy amazing wizard who could do anything, he was just a normal guy who had fame and a crippling prophecy thrust upon him. Without that scar, he would have been a completely normal, if not slightly brooding wizard. People may scoff at the thick and interwoven plot of HP, but it has to be one of the most brilliant story lines I have ever seen. The Deathly Hallows is my favorite book by far, team hallows over horcruxes any day. Holla. I have this ritual when I reread the series. I always read the Hallows first, then read the Sorcerer's stone through the Hallows again. My philosophy is that it helps you really tie all of the intricate details together, from end to beginning back to end. Call me crazy but it works.
      The end of an era can be heartbreaking. I remember finishing the Hallows for the first time, after recovering over the fact snape was good and apologizing to him in my head, and lingering on that last page, not wanting to read it and knowing it was finally over. I know I sound like a complete freak right now, but I know that so many people feel the same way as me. Many people have said that the ending of Harry Potter was the ending of a childhood and that is one of the most depressing things I have ever heard. I heard that statement countless times last night as we waited in the most insane line I have ever seen. I had been anticipating this for the past week, if not for the past 10 years. This was the premiere to end all premieres, I say this with a learned conviction because I have been to my fair share. I have the past 4 under my belt, as well as all the Twilights. Not many things can top a premiere. You see the craziest people and get so excited about seeing a much anticipated movie right when it comes out. Downing vaults to stay awake, watching the previous movie with friends before, and standing in line for hours all add to the overall experience. Last night, elise, avery, lacy, lisa, madison, carrington and I all attended the premiere. Stephen and Meredith were lost once we got inside. We all piled in a car, lil Carrington in tow and hallows marks visible, and stood in awe as we saw the huge line that wrapped around the theatre like Nagini. little hp joke for your benefit. We even got there at 10 and people had been there since 8…in the morning. It was a little hot and sticky but soon, luck came our way. Everyone with 2D tickets were allowed to come to the front of the line, too bad I had a 3D but madison managed to sneak me in under a blanket…the things I do for Harry. I have never failed to get a seat in the top row and it was so last night.
     The movie was everything I thought it would be and, clichely, so much more. It was definitely the best one and lived up to Rowling's novel beautifully. I was on the edge of my seat a good part of the movie, gasping along with the theatre when Harry fumbled for Horcruxes, learned that Snape was good after all, that Dumbledore was a complete arse, that Neville was hot, when people look unattractive, and when Harry realized he was the final Horcrux. The final movie was brimming with action and plot twists and plot linkings, tying everything we have ever known and wondered about Harry Potter into an amazing package. Sincerely mind. blown. In short, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II had to be one of, if not the greatest cinematic experience. Sure, it is the end of an era, a childhood for millions per say but, contradictory to the celebrated tagline, it never really ends. Not really.
After all this time, Severus?
Stay close to me.
And Scene.

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