Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Surf's Up Dude

     I want to be a journalism major. I'm pretty sure i mentioned that in my ode to camp war eagle but i'm reiterating it now. I really love writing and seeing how what I have to say affects people. It's a pretty amazing feeling when I see that people in Spain, or England, or Switzerland are reading my little blog here. Shout out to my peeps outside the U.S! Love ya'll for reading this when you don't even know who I am. I think i'll post some pictures to let you see how I live here in Alabama. Thats my roomy haley and me! i'm in the cam hat. So, it's 20 days till I move to Auburn. That's so crazy. I should be packing for my beach trip I have tomorrow but i'm the world's worst procrastinator so i won't pack a single bikini top till tomorrow morning. Oh well, old habits die hard.
     I really really REALLY love the beach. Right when we enter the vicinity of the ocean and i smell that first whiff of salty air, it's like i could stay here forever. I love walking on hot sand that swallows my feet and manages to find it's way into all my belongings. Tasting the salty water and pretending that no shark would ever feast on me never gets old. I think sitting in an oversized beach chair with a big, floppy hat on just roasting in the sun is the 8th wonder of the world. For real. And, i'm not being egotistical, it never fails for me to be hit on by a 16 year old just floating in the water. I'll bring my mac "cheese" with me to keep my beach adventure posted. I'm also a fan of beach people watching. Nothing compares, not even Trinity sporting events or a trip to Francesca's. God, the things people wear to the beach. The older, heavier woman that still think wearing a two piece is even acceptable and not revolting blow my mind. I'm just saying, i'm not the only person out there who wants to vomit at the sight of all those unsightly rolls and crevices. Sorry, that got a little visual but it had to be said. I gotta address the fact that some guys wear wayyyy too tiny mankinis. Please leave some to the imagination and stop stuffing to make yourself look better. Attention wannabe studs: sucking in and begin really tan does not make up for the fact that you're creeping me out with your sidelong glances and grey lawn of chesthair. Gag me. It's really crazy when you see someone who actually looks halfway decent at the beach. It's like finding a needle in a haystack really. But sometimes, people go a little too far, thinking they look totally hot and wear the craziest bathing suits. i mean, this is not a nude beach, oh wait, now i see the string of a bikini you're wearing. yeah, blech. I think the people decide its smart to mix beer or any alcohol with extreme heat are my favorite. hey, you're making a fool of yourself but you're so entertaining, carry on.
    Food at the beach is AMAZING. i love seafood, om nom nom. lobster and seafood pasta are the bomb.com. ok, i'm being really sporadic and i'm tired. it's been a really long day and lets just say, things will always catch up with you. always. your past doesn't fade away with your thought of it, it will always wriggle it's way back in and screw things up. sorry, that's depressing but it's been like that these past few days. I'm excited for auburn and starting over. Tabula rosa: that means clean slate.
here's my new song:
it's seven o'clock
i already feel late
all the pain from my stress are beating my chest
about decisions i've had to make
well i breathe in light
and i breathe out light
run my hands through my hair, threw my breath in the air
oh, i'm so tired of running

when all your bad boys have gone sour
and you're shivering, cold and alone in a shower
oh baby that soap won't make you clean
screaming at jesus just to let you bleed

it's seven-thirty
i can smell the candles burning
i could go to sleep now
i'll just wait till morning
when the melodies come and sing me stories
all the birds that can talk
no, they're never boring

there's nothing like hearing that girl cry on the receiver
and your stomach hurts so bad 'cause you think you need her
so you down that cough syrup
you love feeling so screwed up
and you crawl up those steps and read yourself to sleep
yeah, you crawl up those steps and sing yourself to peace

it's eight o'clock
she didn't eat today
yeah, hurting herself's never felt this great
well you see that green hill, friend
that's where i'm gonna be
watching glory coming in the form of morning

i was found on that dark hillside
with a certain painting by my side
screaming: knock down the house of regret
knock it down, pave it over
till you feel younger and younger
knock it down, pave it over
till you feel like you can't again
knock it down, pave it over
till your heart's warmer and warmer
knock it down, pave it over
till you wake up born again
wild sweet orange: check em out
and scene.

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