Monday, March 21, 2011

March Madness

 Don't get too excited, i'm not talking about bball.

      As you can see, I've been pretty bored all day. If the drastic change to my blog's format isn't giving you an inclination to my severe apathy, let the fact that i have an AP Bio test AND project due tomorrow verify my total lack of care...about anything. Yes, the return to school after a blissful week of complete mind

relaxation was a hard adjustment for everyone, teacher and student alike. But, the was one little bit of joy to this dismal day of return. I now believe that I will have a better day if I am allowed to dress to express. This is called Casual monday and it puts me in an altogether pleasanter mood, even under such dire circumstances as returning to tps. Gives me chills just thinking about the fact that i've still got a little under two months left in that place
     So, it's kinda obvious that  i'm doing everything possible to keep from studying AP Bio. Yes, I'm doing horribly in the class but, i think that the fact i've been a good student all these years should allow me the option of failing gracefully in these last few months. I'm just so drained. I'm the picture of apathy, look it up in the dictionary and there's me. No lie. Here's an example: I came home today and whoah. hold the phone. i gotta say something about the insane afterschool traffic. Ok, so i know that i can drive like a bat out of hell most of the time but i have never been around so many deranged drivers in my life. People straight up lost their minds. People weaving in and out, cutting me off, flicking me off, honking at each other, countless near misses, and i swear, i thought i was gonna witness a head on collision. I just really don't know why when i'm trying to get over, the person in the other lane had to speed up to cut me off. Listen: I COULD SQUISH YOU. and don't even use the excuse that you "couldn't see me." if you can't see my truck, then you're helen keller, thus you shouldn't be driving. Anywhoooo it was so pretty outside so i just tried to enjoy at least that. I got home and said i was just going to take a quick nap: that turned into an hour and a half. why is is that when i tried to sleep last night, i couldn't but i can't stay awake right now when i have so much to do? One of life's mysteries i suppose. I stared at my backpack for a little bit then went to go make some stuff-like cooking. After about three batches of cookies i decided i better crack down and study, so i get on netflicks and I watch some old movies. I watch An Affair to Remember til 2:30 last night, gosh it never gets old. Now, i'm blogging. My bio notes are sitting right beside me untouched as they will remain until about 11 when i have a mini panic attack. Old habits like that die hard.
      So, today was an example of march madness. Everybody was acting crazy. maybe it was due to that super moon from a few nights ago but things were definitely strange. Entering tps was like entering a renunion after five years. All i heard was: "i missed you" "oh muh gawd, youre sooo tan gurl!" nauseating. And the brackets, oh the brackets. I'm already sick of it. No offense to you bball fans who live for the chance to pick out your "sweet sixteen" or whatever. have fun with that. i just find it funny that in math we have a huge bracket drawn on a chalk board and a teacher who tries to "talk shop" with tha boys. all females might as well be nonexistant in that class. well, except for maybe two. Ok, so really no drama today, disappointed? sorry debbie.
We’re only young and naive still
We require certain skills
The mood it changes like the wind
Hard to control when it begins
The naked and the famous-love them!
and scene.

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