Saturday, March 19, 2011

That was wicked, Harry!

        Oh my shoot, it's been so long since i've blogged. So, i'm dusting off the cobwebs and returning to my blog that keeps me sane during school. Spring break is practically over and that's depressing as hell. Apparently we've got less than forty something school days left until graduation, doesn't that just tug on a  few peoples' heartstrings? Me? its definitely exciting but kinda sad, bittersweet. Ugh i'm stopping this debby downer mess right now before i get all terms of endearment on ya'll. So, i know you're wondering what big plans i had for spring break. well, i kicked it in the gump for the first few days. nobody was here. i mean, total seclusion. I was all like "yeah! nobody's gonna bother me, the alone time is gonna be great!" nuh uh. no sir. i got through two days and was dying. let me tell you, it's just not the same when noone is there to share in your awkward moment when the guy doing my nails got a little too enthusiastic with the lotion... i kept busy but i missed my frans! i was like the only person who wasn't in germany, at a soccer/baseball tournament, at the beach, or somewhere random. I did go to birmingham with the fam for two days. we shopped, shopped, shopped and got my prom dress. Boy, was that a major check off my to-do list. trying to find one that wasn't completely hideous, nauseatingly bedazzled, or just plain unfortunate was a very trying ordeal. i mean really, how hard is it to make a decent looking dress? really. Boy was i relieved when people started coming home.

      My bro, camille, and i, and james hit up pville last night. We had some dinner at the pville country club thanks to the lovely carpenter clan. It's a place where each of the club members have been to paris many a time. paris, texas that is. bonjour ya'll. Kinda had an awkward moment or two with the waiters. i couldn't pronounce the name of the pasta i wanted. classy, right? then we had the awkward guy who did the hesitant "are you finished?" suggestion and grab for my plate. live for those moments. Oh my gosh, I had an icee for the first time in forevvs and i embarrassingly exclaimed "That's delicious!" Love feelin like a five year old. swear i'm not graduating in like a month and a half. ok, so i must have been out of it for a few days because it's a harry potter weekend! so exciting, thanks abc fam. i just don't understand why they do it on a sunny weekend. hmm the dilemma between getting some vitamin c or staying in and watching harry battle a basilisk? gosh, it's a toughie. all i know is, come july 15th at 12:00 A.M. you know where i'll be. At the rave with my fellow hp addicts waiting in anticipation for the FINAL hp flick. swear i'm not a loser. i mean, it's my childhood.  can't wait to see who cries. is it sad that i love me some malfoy? nah, i always go for the evil ones, no matter how simpering he may be. Anyways, so glad i got this breather but dreading the return to school, makes me sick. sorry if this was boring, school should offer some stimulating topics for discussion. oh, and so you won't complain: hey billy. thanks for following me on twitter. i'm honored.
and scene.

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