Thursday, March 10, 2011

If I build a boat, paint prom? on the side and sink it like titanic, you think she would say yes?

      What a way to end the day, catching the end of titanic and chillin with my favorite guidos and guidettes on the jersey shore. Today was a trip, a real pain in the ass if you ask me. I'm dedicating my ish-filled day and tonight's blog to none other than AP English and Honors Cal: congrats on being a thorn in my side. Let's get a little summation of my day started. I guess I should rewind and give a recap of yesterday. So, apparently i'm the wittiest girl in the grade. No lie, i was voted. Thanks seinyasss. So, to honor the timely tradition of capturing who's who in the senior class, all those voted must report to robertson's photography to get some pics made. This year we used props...they wanted me to wear a clown nose. I said hell to the no. I and my witty counterpart kevin came up with our own poses and they were totally, candidly ballin. I wake up yesterday morning and since my mom says my hair is unattractive when i let nature take it's course, i have to get up early to make myself look presentable. I can't believe it: my hair is behaving and doesn't look like cousin it for once. Then, the irony of life makes itself known: its storming like a bitch outside. All is well until i roll up into robertsons, i made it in 12 minutes by the grace of God, and realize i don't have an umbrella...for real. I pull on a hoodie and make a break for it. I run into a cluster of seniors gathered under the awning, huddled around the door. Surprise! They're not open! We have to wait half an hour, in the humid rain, til they get everything figured out...the photographer was at tps the whole time. I personally think they should put at the bottom of our picture page: please note, it was raining. This explanation is needed to account for the frizzy hair captured in each pic. I was feeling some trepidation when i was forced to pull my hood off....not pretty. I then went and was a bad a with some cool kids when we skipped some of first period to eat at chick fil a. Among us was a shining star, a stone cold fox, a studly stud if you will. None other than Logan Powell who complains that he is not mentioned enough in my little blog here. He's going to Germany and leaving me in math to suffer alone. I'm gonna miss my buddy, don't forget my I heart Germany tshirt!
      I didn't return to school but went to go see Much Ado About Nothing...let me tell you, there really wasn't much to do but sleep and so I did. I have this theory though, bear with me as I share. I think that at Trinity, I have been spoiled. Not by having grade a teachers, a stellar learning environment, and a luxurious parking lot and cafeteria but I think that I have become accustomed to being around attractive people all day. I honestly think trinity must be full of attractive people compared to the outside world. I made this observation when being eye raped by the unmentionables that were at asf from other schools. So scary. Even the most unnattractive and downright ugly people at tps look like supermodels compared to these creatures from the black lagoon. Anyway, i just finished my day at dance team clinic then drowned in homework, dwindling on the edge of insanity and depression til 2 when i discovered my bed and remembered i was allowed to indulge in unconciousness. so dramatic.
     Today was a peach. I was constantly working allllll day long. I even had a little to do list strapped to my kindle to keep me motivated. I had to translate a story for my spanish test: potential fail. I predict a C. nice. finish an independent study for AP Bio that are due friday. done. Math test: complete and utter fail. AP English notecards on Pride and Prejudice? Successfully finished and turned one of my favorite novels into a book of horrors. Scrambled to finish my project that isn't due til tomorrow....story of muh life. Dude, what the hell is up with this prom mess? Everyone is freakin and trying to outdo each other by asking in the cutest and most planned out ways. Room full of kindergarteners, check. Roses, check. Scavenger hunts, posters on cars, puzzles, prom sandwiches, lunch room, check check CHECK. Know what i got? So Ashtyne, (leans on his arm trying to be cool) what are you doing April 16th at around 7? my response: pauses to think..Proms the 15th you retard. He looks completely confused if not slightly abashed. Well it wouldnt be my life if i didnt have some funny prom story...i would have gagged if i got some cheesy invite. It's not like you're proposing. What? I'm not bitter. Honest. Ended my day in a slight coma. played the music for dteam tryouts and almost got misty eyed, almost. went to panera with hay mcvay and ate ate ate, talked talked talked. Braved the frigid air to watch a soccer game…so exciting. guys won, zigzag zigzag. During the game, i snuggled with muh girls hay vay and camillionareee, we participated in blowin up twitter. Oh yeah, i got a twitter, i know i know i said i would never but.....its _ihatepeople_. follow meh. I totally felt like Jack Dawson in that freezing cold water, i was a popsicle but watching those guys is just priceless. Go romil, you dominated when you fell over backwards over that bag of balls....anyways i'm like the best girl/fan ever and supported the diva through frigid weather. I'm finally home with freezing feet that are only beginning to thaw, watching jersey shore, and praying for some spring break. sick of crazy people. shoutout to my girls waiting to know the results of dteam.
gtf-gym, tan, find out who sam is texting behind ron's back.
and scene.
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