Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"That really pisses me off"

      Ever notice when people get mad, there are a myriad of ways they express themselves? There are a cornucopia of different ways people can react when they get pissed off and each and every one of them are either the most hilarious, most uncomfortable, or scariest thing you will ever lay eyes on. Today is just one of those days where everybody is getting mad and i'm in the mood to discuss this strange human behavior.
       Each of my friends has a different way of getting mad and i've seen it so many times that i am the connoisseur of spotting an explosion o' hate or a bitter, inner withdrawal that can leave a person completely freezed out. I honestly don't know whats worse: a scary, violent reaction or the quiet, make you wonder if they're secretly planning your murder kind. I can do both, very well actually. I guess we'll start with me. When i get mad, just an everyday mad like getting annoyed and such, my temper snaps but it's over pretty quickly. I'll just spout off  few bitch remarks, throw a dirty look or two, and it's over. Now, when something big happens....its a little different. I've only truly reached my breaking point about 6 or 7 times in my life, i do believe it has happened three times senior year..impressive. See, what happens is, you have to look for the signs. Thats step one. When i get really mad, i'm not usually in the same room as the person to whom my hatred and rage is directed. I'm usually just hearing the news from someone else. I get really quiet and its eerie. I've been told it's frightening and i've seen people go all still and quiet when they're really pissed and it makes me want to tiptoe out of the room backwards, so they can't pounce on my back and kill me. So, i just sit there processing (it takes a while for big things to hit me and for me to accept) and this can last for a few minutes to an hour or two. The calm before the storm so to say, then it happens. The complete unhinging of all human qualities and behaviors. It's "The Snap." I've witnessed a few Snappages in my life and they are one of the scariest, most hilarious things to witness. I don't know how the few people who have seen me at these moments have held themselves together and not laughed in my face. The faint flush on your cheeks, the rapid hand gestures, the uncontrollable string of curse words emitting from your animalistic mouth, ridiculous facial expressions, and the useless pacing. I don't know why, but apparently moving around the room makes you feel like you're doing something important, like a treadmill. You're running but where the hell do you think you're going? It's even worse when you have 'The Confrontation." Those are ugly. Some people throw things, some people get so mad their tear ducts get confused and they start to cry, some people stutter, some people (guilty) have the low quiet voice that is so full of rage that you're scared for your life. Some people (me) can yell and get up in your face. Some people start laughing this creepy laugh like somethings funny and some people even have just one look that can make your blood run cold.
      One of the absolute best things to watch is a fight between a guy and a girl. I can only speak from my perspective but the girl always seems to say these things like her life is a movie. So many melodramatic things can be said to get their point across, such as: "I don't even know who you are anymore." Yes you do, don't try to make your life a movie. "I love you, but i just can't do this anymore. You've changed." oh please. The silent treatment is one of the most annoying and effective reactions to anger. It's at the point where the person gets so bitter that they shut down and freeze you out and it's the worst to be on that side of the treatment. It makes you all nice and a complete kiss ass. Since i'm stubborn, i won't talk to you either...for a while. Sometimes it can turn into a grudge and those are just annoying to keep track of.
     Today my spanish teacher completely lost it. There we were just minding our own business when all of a sudden he freaks out because we were "showing disrespect by talking while he was." He went on a bitter tirade about respect and then i just kinda zoned out because i had to keep from laughing in his face. About 20 minutes later i got distracted and he went off AGAIN. He said, and I quote: "That really PISSES me off...excuse my language but it does." Um, did that just happen? I felt that when he said that, it was equivalent to the worst curse word imaginable to him....just hearing the word come out of his corpse lips made me almost laugh out loud and i would have, if i wasn't staring in awe. So, i think i've examined a few of the entertaining aspects of being pissed off. Oh, almost forgot the pouter. They pout when they're mad to get their way. We've all been guilty of that. Nothing wrong with using a good pout if it gets you what you want.  But when it comes to anger, to each his own.
and scene.

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