Sunday, March 6, 2011

Oh Em Gee, Total Diva

      For the past month or so, every monday, tuesday, thursday, and the occasional sacred wednesday has been dominated by this crazy tradition called Trinity's spring play. I began participating in the play when I was a sophomore. You're only allowed to be in the play when you're a sophomore cause when you're a freshman you still can't drive and due to long practices, a mode of transportation is necessary. Nobody wants their mommy driving them. Anyway, a few of us seniors have been in the play since we were little sophomores and have stuck with it til the very end. This year, we performed Crazy For You and let me tell you, it was a good way.
       In this year's play, we had no idea what we were signing up for. I literally danced in what felt like every scene, had a whopping two lines, and had to do some serious facial expressions on the side. First, I wanna go over the costumes since it is my most favorite thing to discuss. They stuck me in a pink frilly tutu, ya'll. If you know me, you know that's not me AT ALL. But, like a good little chorus girl, i stuck it out and i gotta admit, we all did look a little cute...even if our asses were hanging out the whole time. I just don't understand why i always get stuck with some of the ugliest costumes. I got a sexy little purple shorts combo thing with a frilly neck and a bow...on the back while most people got cute little onesies and such. Someone please explain to me why the costume company hates me. I also got a cute little number that looked like it was straight from my nanny's closet. Any 60 something year old lady would have fallen in love with my light blue and flowered mid calf ensemble with a schweet little mesh hat with some big ole flowers adorning the rim. It was soooo cute. And we were supposed to depict showgirls coming from the big city? yeah, right. I actually really liked the story line of this year's play and apparently it was super funny, thanks in most part to the ad libbing of our lead. Without him and his unrelieable mustache, we would have been in some serious trouble. The dancing in the play was crazy and we had to learn seriously like 7 dances. I would be lying if i said i never messed up. Hell, watch the video and view Bronco Busters, that'll give anyone a laugh. So will logan's floundering on the floor for a hankie (mine). But he looked so pretty with his blue eye shadow, all the boys did. Do the pretty girl rock, logan. We won't hate you cause you're beautiful.
        We had some diva's this year at the play. I totally don't want to name names but billy, didn't you ask why you're never mentioned? now you get a few sentences dedicated to you and your sensational performing, and dramatic abilities. You totally played your part of Lank perfectly, the role was made for you. You just got a little testy sometimes when people (me) got in the way during one of your scenes....shouldn't have tried to be cool and told me to move. Loved the purple eye shadow too, i got some compliments on my stellar makeup abilities. Oh, I've always wondered why the guys love getting makeup done more than girls do sometimes...maybe they just want to look pretty once and a while. I definitely can't take them seriously when they look like me. Whitney made me laugh so hard in her cute little safari costume, she totally resembled Nigel Thornberry scouting out some African beasts. presh. Shoutout to my slap that bass and awkward saloon partner daniel who criticized people with me. Lifesaver. So, besides the moody, bossy stage crew, the multiple mistakes in choreography, the gross clouds of hairspray, scenes getting deleted, missed lines, wipeouts, and huge mistakes in music, the play was a sucess. I bet TPS is pretty relieved that not many big pranks were pulled last night, well, senior prank is still coming up so just you wait. It's kinda weird how it's all over. All that hard work and it's done, at least for the seniors. I'll never have to come to another annoyingly long play practice again, "sacrifice" my grades because of feigned exhaustion, or have to be stuck in a room with all those people after a long school day ever again. i guess in a way, it's bittersweet, but i would forfeit play practice for auburn anyday. So, thanks to everyone who helped and made the play possible. It was...crazy. Never will forget Tanya and her voice belting out off-key all the time. Trinity teachers screaming at us for our inadequacies and my inability to walk quietly with tapshoes on. Getting your clothes ripped off to secure a mic then having someone rip the mic tape off along with some of your hair. Seeing your friends look totally ridiculous with false eyelash glue all over their face and getting millions of pictures taken will always be seared into my memory. Totally won't be able to get these songs out of my head anytime soon...
    although love does not inspire my lingo, girl you make my heartbeat go bango-bingo.
and scene.
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