Monday, March 28, 2011

I Did My Best!

   i just need to vent. I'm so tired all the time, this might be because i don't go to sleep til 12: 30 or 1 but that's because i'm busy....busy doing nothing. I'm so easily distracted now and i can't focus on anything for more than 15 minutes. At home that is, i do all of my homework the next day at school. I guess the threat of missing a deadline makes me work at freakish speed and allows me to get stuff done. Except, this hasn't worked for the past couple of days. I can't make myself work on anything. Wanna hear what all i have to do? Well, i gotta finish an AP bio independent study and summarize two articles that were due LAST friday. I also have a test in there friday, have to come wednesday night at 6 to watch a movie and answer 20 questions on it, (because no movie should ever be just for enjoyment purposes) practice test due friday, math test and 80 homework problems due tomorrow. I'm sorry, but i have no idea what that ish is on. oh, the incompetence. In spanish, i have to come up with a scene that describes how the future will pan out. Um, im not an oracle and i can barely speak remedial spanish sooo how am i supposed to make a 3-5 minute presentation? thats right, i'm royally screwed. I've also got a bajillion notecards in english due by wednesday. Have I started the book? no way. i've gone as far as driving to office depot and buying a rainbow assortment of those big-ass cards.  The title? As I Lay Dying. Eerily appropriate don't you believe? I've also got a Bible paper (4 pages) due sometime soon as well as a memory book. Holy shit. i will never survive. The only time i looked remotely intelligent today was when i knew the plural tense of the word octopus. It's octopi. Yep, even stephen didn't know that. You know my buddy Dane Cook? Well, go watch his video on crying and that'll be me by wednesday for sure. Gotta come up with my own phrase to repeat over and over as i slip into insanity. are you sure i'm graduating may 19th? cause i feel it will never come.
"you get a tap on your shoulder, just a tap and you turn around. Who's behind you?
The world, right on your shoulder and he's like hi, i'm the freaking world and i just want to let you know something, you're gonna cry."
"Thanks world."
    Dane Cook
and scene.

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