Thursday, May 5, 2011

Well, all I'm saying is that I want to look back and say that I did the best I could while I was stuck in this place. Had as much fun as I could while I was stuck in this place. Played as hard as I could while I was stuck in this place...

     Two weeks, just two weeks. I swear, that sentence reverberated off the walls of the senior hallway in TPS today. Everybodys looking haggard and falling asleep in class is the norm. i myself dozed off in free period today with my harry potter book still in hand and still in a sitting position. It could have been the aftermath of my insane doseage of nyquil last night but, nahhhhh. At trinity, things never settle down but hopefully for me, may 19th will be like a pair of scissors, cleanly cutting away my attachment to trinity with one swift snip. I'm seriously cutting away at all the shit i don't need and lemme tell ya, it's liberating. I honestly don't know how i can last these two weeks. i have never had this insatiable urge to get away from somewhere like this before. i loathe walking through the doors of trinity and having to act like i actually can stand being around people that have no idea how freaking annoying they are. don't get me wrong, some people i just love to death but most of em....if looks could kill..
     Schoolwork just seems pointless now. I don't understand why i should even be expected to perform at this point, i mean just look at me. I'm on a constant nyquil hangover, it takes hours for the kitten eyes to go down, i don't even try to make eye contact with teachers, i don't keep my sarcastic remarks to a whisper anymore, and i've been downright mean to some people. ya think they'd get the hint. who gives a shit if i have to take almost all my exams? big freaking deal if i fail a few tests. I. AM. GOING. TO. AUBURN. IN. 96. DAYS. get over it. the only thing that keeps me going is auburn. just like louis armstrong, auburn's on my minddd. So, i'm going to go run to compensate for the bread in a can i just dominated then i'm going to come back and netflix, then i'm going to take muh nyquil, maybe review for my math test tomorrow but don't count on it. I mean, we are SENIORSSSSS
in a few weeks, i will get time
to realize its right before my eyes
and i can take it, if its what i want to do
i am leaving, this is starting
to feel like its right before my eyes
i can taste it, my sweet beginning
two door cinema club
and scene.

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