Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Show Goes On Alllll stop.

    Tomorrow is a week since graduation. That's so weird! A week since I was rehearsing for that night, driving with bethea to our graduation song, the show goes on and then that night when it all came to fruition. Strangely, i don't feel different. I mean, I didn't really expect to walk out of Frazer and suddenly feel like the chains of Trinity were cast off forever and I was completely done. I don't think it'll hit me til Trinity starts back in August and I'm not there to drive Carrington to school, get my new schedule, locker, and paste on a smile while the "oh em gee girl! it's been forever! you look so good..." blah blah blah reverberates off the asylum colored cinderblock walls of my alma mater. That's right, i'm a trinity alum. I can actually walk into the tent at homecoming without ducking under the ropes in the back. God, I was a bad ass.
     It's only been summer for less than a week and, dont get me wrong, I love summer. I just wish i could fast forward to August 7th, aka: move in day! I've been discussing this subject lately with others and  it seems like we built up graduation to be this big day that slashed the ties with Trinity and with everyone and that the next day, we'd be going to college. Wrong-o. It's like we're stuck in this airport called Montgomery and have a three month lay over. It's kind of a let down. Now we just kind of wait. Guess I was right about the feeling of "What Now?" Sure we have fun but the only bad thing about it is that everyone is gone for periods during the summer and you're basically playing a twisted game of tag trying to see everyone. One thing I'm pretty stoked about is my concert selection for the summer. Yes, I am a little bitter that I didn't go to the Hangout Music festival but I'm already sworn to go next year. I was supposed to go to mumford and sons in atl next month but a ticket costs about a soul a piece so i'm gonna pass. Seriously, i love you mumford and sons but it's like literally hacking off a limb or selling my soul to go to your concert. The other options: Kings of Leon AND Band of Horses in July at Orange Beach (i'll already be at the beach) or Bon Iver in July as well. Decisions Decisions.
      So, just some things i've realized in my few days of summer. I've always loved alice but i've been on an alice in wonderland kick for a few days, getting some stuff for my dorm room. Loved that it was our prom shirt AND  theme. A few of my favorite people on earth are out of town til next week and i miss them dearly. I love the capri theatre and saw jane eyre there last night. New local haunt. I eat wayyyy too much in summer, like i can't stop. It's dangerous to fall alseep while laying out because your ipod will stop working for a while due to high temp. No really, the screen flashes a warning sign and says: TEMPERTATURE. ipod must cool before reuse. So crazy. i think my mom is out to get me because the wisdom teeth are coming out next wednesday. Carrington and I bond now due in part to my complete laziness and apathy. Oh and apparently, more people read this than i realized so i shouldn't think about complete strangers judging me off this. not like i care but still. I really want to go to Auburn, like now please, for posterity's, and always, sanity's sake.
  and scene.

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