Monday, June 6, 2011

What's up, pudding cup?

     Apparently all those rumors that having your wisdom teeth out could be one of the most painful experiences of your life are completely FALSE. I mean yeah, i was a teense nervous a few minutes before going under but that's just because of the rumored pain which i still haven't experienced. the loratab isn't even necessary, more like a concilatory prize. anybody who says it's horrific pain is a baby, i mean i barely had a jaw ache. I was however high as a kite afterward and laughed uncontrollably. Between singing ET, Blow, and thinking i was lady gaga, i also cat called some racial slurs, made fun of some people, forraged for food, tried to climb out a window, and made animal noises. The video speaks for itself and my family watcheds it like it got a freaking oscar nod. One good thing about this is that I get to watch greek an insane amount of time without getting judged, i mean what else am i gonna do. But seriously, i know it raises my expectations to unreasonable highs but it gets me stoked for auburn. I looooove me some cappie. my bro camille and i share the same obsession as does haley. Rusty cracks me up to, i live for his awkward moments. too obsessed? nevaaa.  I do have some pretty awesome friends though, ive had visitors everyday who bring me ice cream and nancy's and magazines. This makes the isolation bearable but now i'm starting to get a bad case of cabin fever...
    I have no idea who this chick is but I'm severley upset that i didn't swell up like a chipmunk and look as sexy as her. I was looking forward to the fabled swelling. no dry sockets though, thats a good thing. that stuff is nasssttayy. i hated having to eat pudding and mashed potatoes for every meal though. i felt like a grandma who lost her teeth, or a baby. i really want a greasy hamburger and a carbonated beverage. i have moved on to sodas but i the farthest ive come to food of substance is a poptart and i thought thtat was the most amazing thing since james franco's performance in 127 hours. beautiful. So i'm extremely bored and gonna wrap this thing up.
Rusty: are you growing up?
Cappie: You shut your damn mouth!
and scene.

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