Sunday, October 23, 2011

Untouchable, burning brighter than the sun. And when you're close, I feel like coming undone

     Oh boy, what would I do without Taylor Swift, or tsweezy as I lovingly refer to her. I swear, her music fills up my sad song and sleepy song playlist and even thought i'm a teenage girl cliche, I can honestly say her music makes me feel better or lets me sulk when I'm sad and need to pity myself. It's all about feeling that you're not alone and her music reaches out and lets you know you're not the only one who thinks boys suck, you're not the only one to have your heart broken, and you're not the only one who feels invisible. Seeing someone as perfect as her cry while singing last kiss and knowing she feels like ish too, can make anyone feel better. Anyone. Even boys, ya know ya listen to her too! People may hate on the tsweez but, like the new adage says: haters gon hate. True dat y'all.

   I'm gonna follow my sad girl cliches and also say I heart Grey's Anatomy. Oh my goodness I could just sit and watch that show for hours, and I do. How emburassin. I wanted to be a plastic surgeon since I was 5. Yes, since I was 5. That dreamed lived on til about April of last year when I was drowning in AP Bio and barely surviving math. I had to lay my precious lifelong dream aside for a more realistic one: Law School. I love to argue, I'm competitive as hell, and I never back down. Perfection right? I also love reading and writing sewww that helps. Back to my love, Grey's. Good Lord that cast. They are some of the most beautiful people I have ever seen. My mom is a nurse and works in a hospital and she reminds me all the time, the drama is real, all the sex everywhere is real, but the people are never that attractive but their ego's are massive. Go figure. I say that you go through that much schooling and you can save my life, you deserve the extra attitude. Go for it, pat yourself on the back because I want to be you. I want to put people back together again, make them better that new, feel that rush when you complete something amazing and life changing, or life saving. But, i suck at math. and science.
So i go to fixing things that relies on a strong basis that never changes: the law. And that, is pretty damn amazing. You may be able to save a life McDreamy, but I can find a way to salvage someone's whole life and find justice where it is due and I think that's pretty incredible. So, I want to be a doctor. i want a McSteamy of my own. I want to work with Eric Dane and stare at him all day but my dream is pretty awesome too. In some ways, it's more realistic. I won't kill anyone at my hands and I can change peoples minds by what I have to say. Try persuading a malignant tumor not to spread, Grey. Just something I was thinking on. Well, back to Grey's and my teenage cliche of listening to tsweezy while I type.
I've never gone with the windJust let it flowLet it take me where it wants to goTill you open the doorThere's so much moreI've never seen it before
I was trying to flyBut I couldn't find wingsThen you came alongAnd you changed everything
You lift my feet off the groundSpin me aroundYou make me crazier, crazierFeels like I'm falling and II'm lost in your eyesYou make me crazier,Crazier, crazier
and scene. 

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