Thursday, October 20, 2011

Nicki, and Scarves, and Pumpkins OH MY!!

    It's been sooooo long since i've gotten to blog! I've totes missed it, like for real. I don't even have a topic, i'm just so excited to be back to bloggin. So, Auburn and Tri Delt are keeping me very very busy. Spanish 2020 is kickin my butt and I have to study like a mother for that class. I literally dread walking into that room every day. Picture it: everyone is pretty fluent except this gal. Sure, I can understand what people are saying but verb conjugations make me wanna puke and using them in a sentence or with my superior partners is a real drag. I have an oral exam, sounds icky, in there tomorrow. Good news: it only lasts 4 minutes. Bad news: in those 4 minutes, i have to talk to my randomly chosen partner, using everything we've learned this semester, while my teacher takes notes. My luck, i'll be stuck with the guy from Costa Rica. Yeah, he's a freaking native. Yohn taught me, i don't know ish. I'm aiming for a mediocre C, that'd be so auss. After that, I get to drive home to good ole Montgomery for Trinity's homecoming game. I really have missed my actual family, and my trinity family. I really don't get to see them enough. I've been so happy here at Auburn, I really have. Sure, not everything goes as I plan and juggling people and school work and a sorority is really hard but i wouldn't change it. I feel really free a lot of the time and thats a great feeling. Waking up in the mornings to go to trinity would feel like I was going to jail almost, now a days, I literally smile on the way to class I'm so glad to be here. Speaking of inappropriate and embarrassing grinning on my walks to class, nothing inspires a plain ole good mood like this chilly weather. I've been so happy and chipper that's in inexplicableness is starting to scare people. I even bought yet another scarf today. I just really love the cold, it means Christmas is coming. Christmas Pandora is constantly playing on my computer and I visit stores just to smell the cinnamon and see the decorations. Don't get me wrong, I love love love Halloween and October. Halloween is second to Christmas, i mean who doesn't like creepy decorations and pumpkins and costume parties? It's un-American if you don't! My next week is so packed with Halloween inspired events is cray cray
     I hate swaps, I truly do. From a few of the swaps, I've made friends and actually keep up with the people i met on the reg but honestly, most of theme are just plain kward. The guys can even drink so you'd think they'd be a little less awkward and more smooth, wrong-o. Obviously the alcohol doesnt loosen them up enough. Please stop asking me what my major is, how i like tri delt, where i'm from, and if i like the swap so far. You are swaying in my face and you reek. You could actually be an ok guy but you're ruining this by trying to be cool and concerned and wanting to get to know my soul. Not gonna happen. I have like 3 swaps a week and i have a halloween social next week. I'm going as Nicki Minaj and couldn't be happier. I have Halloween parties and pumpkin carving and bonfires and I'm so excited. I have to finish finding nickiesque stuff for my consume then i'm all set. I really love my friends here, they're the bomb. I can't wait to go home and get all my cold weather stuff and did I mention all my UGGS and SWEATERS!!! eeeep can't contain muhself. Well, I might head off to the paranormal activity 3 premiere now. Hate to part with amc's Fear Fest. I love it so much. Cant wait to be scurrrrred.
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

Robert Frost
   and scene. 

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