Sunday, May 6, 2012

Funny How A Memory Sounds Like A Melody

     Well, I survived. I survived my first year at Auburn and made it out alive. I lived through the first year of being truly on my own, made it through the many challenges, made so many friends and memories, and most importantly, pushed through the meetings, tests, all nighters, 8 ams, auburn dining, and the dreaded finals. Yes, I made it out alive. Yes I am finally home. But no, I am not the same….But after one year at college, is anyone?
     College changes a person. It pushes your buttons, chews you up and spits you out, gives you a run for your money, and any other cliche of those sorts. It's a learning experience, in more ways than just your education. It's not high school anymore. Your mom and dad can't fix everything and your friends will either be there for the long haul or leave you in the dust. It's an amazing experience and I can't wait to go back.
      Auburn is my home. Once you live somewhere for an entire year, it's your home. 207 of Hall M in the hill was my home, even though it was the size of a shoebox and my suit mates were satan's children. It was my home. I could never count the amount of smiles, laughs, tears, coughs, gossip, and just plain fun that was had in that room. Haley was my sister and still would have been even if both of us were not in Tri Delt together. Another thing about college that changed my life. Joining a sorority can be such a learning and growing experience. You gain so many friends and its hard to find yourself alone when you're surrounded by so much love and support from so many great people. Meeting people from so many facets of life is one of the best things about college, the other is the amazingly huge amount of tshirts you will leave with. Learning how to live my life by myself was an adjustment. I loved it, but hated being poor half the time. I exaggerate but living on a budget really sucks. I love game day weekends on the Plains and can't wait to be back in the fall! Weekends at Auburn are always fun. There is always something to do. Whether it be going to someones house for a party, going to Bourbon with all the other freshman or 17 if you're feeling crazy, or any of the fraternity houses; there is always something to keep you entertained. Formals, and socials, swaps and pledge parties…your time is always well spent. I got by with my best friends and had the most amazing year of my life. I never expected going in that I would actually find someone that I wanted to actually be with for an extended amount of time my freshman year but I did…and it was the best decision I have ever made and I am so lucky to have someone as amazing as him in my life.

     Some Auburn fun facts for ya. Auburn weather is crazy unpredictable. I mean honestly, it will be Antarctica one day, and the Sahara the next day. When it rains, it pours and when its hot, you just wanna die. You will skip a class. It happens. I don't know my way around the Haley center…it is a maze and I don't know a single person who can navigate that thing. You will gain weight…again, it happens. The dining plan at AU while convenient, is extremely unhealthy and can be downright nasty. But it's monopoly money so spend dat ca$h. RBD is the library and countless all nighters will be spent there. Third floor is for socializing and 4th is silent study floor, don't bring chips or you'll get visually impaled by serious studiers. Parking is a joke and you will get a ticket/get your car towed at least once.  Momma G's on a sunday is full of people trying to get rid of a hangover, the drunkbus will save your life and you will try to get hit by the Tiger Transit because if you are successful…free tuition will be yours. Aubie is everywhere and puppies are usually on the greenspace. Don't go near the concourse during campaign week…its hell. Don't take an 8 am, you will regret it. Also, don't walk by yourself places. Always ask for extra credit, don't be embarrassed by the pictures that get put up the next morning, and don't throw up in public. No matter what, people will remember that. If a guy offers to take you on a date, go. That doesn't happen often. Having fun is the most important part. Don't forget that grades are important and you CAN fail out, it happens. Don't leave a tab open at the bar and know you will drop/break/lose a phone or credit card. X's on the back of your hands are not cute the next morning and walks of shame are embarrassing for everyone. RODEO is the best experience as well as spring break. Cowgirl boots go with everything, date parties are so much fun, you won't wear makeup to class, you'll get a chaco tan, wear norts everywhere, and eat at the taco truck. You will also have the best year of your life. Live it up, I sure as hell did.
To this day when I hear that song
I see you standin' there on that lawn
Discount shades, store bought tan,
Flip flops and cut off jeans

Somwhere between that setting sun
I'm on fire and born to run
You looked at me and I was done
Well, we're just getting started

I was singin' to you, you were singin' to me
I was so alive, never been more free
Fired up my daddy's lighter and sang Oh-h-h-h-h-h

Stayed there 'til they forced us out
Took the long way to your house
I canstill hear the sound of you saying don't go

When I think about you, I think about 17,
I think about my old jeep
I think about the stars in the sky
Funny how a melody sounds like a memory
Like a soundtrack to a July Saturday night
Eric Church
    and scene. 

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