Monday, January 31, 2011

Wake up in the morning feelin like....

Wake up in the morning feelin like...well, ish. That's my word for, well i promised i would keep this blog clean so figure it out. it's a monday and its cold, rainy, and dreary outside. It's my kind of weather. you know that split second when you wake up to the sound of your alarm going off? the split second after the second where you're like: "what the freak is that annoying noise? make it stop!" the second where everything feels like a dream and everything is totally ok with your world. Then, you open your kitten eyes and everything thats bad: drama, a big test you didn't study for, something you forgot, all smashes into you. It's not a crash. A crash is loud and noticeable to outsiders. No, this is silent and only you can feel the smash. I think of a smash as a smaller, quieter version of a crash. So, you just kinda lie there, wishing like crazy you could fall back asleep but acknowlege life's irony that you can't. you think a shower is gonna help? well, maybe it will. but chances are, not on a monday. Monday's always suck. my sister is in D.C. this week on a class trip and i dont envy her. being stuck on a cramped bus with a bunch of annoying 8th graders is worse than being stuck in the jersey shore house when jwow and sammi have a b-f.  i'm by myself this morning and it's the kind of morning i love and hate when it's gone. i get ready, watching stand by me and quoting every word. i literally hop into my truck, michael. i was feeling some of the brooding british the features this morning so i pull up into trinity's crappy parking lot with the them blaring. I settle in for an ordinary monday and it was. I gave a report on buddhism, my teacher repeatedly contradicted himself.  I laughed, shot a few people a dirty look or two (actually its just how my face sits), joked on people, talked to someone i haven't in ages, listened as my ap bio teacher asked me to obtain some blood typing solution from the hospital (thats illegal ya'll....kidding) and saw a kid with a boneless hand harry potter look alike. no joke.  watched my zany math teach mrs. b scream at us then cut our homework in half cause it's too much for us. I also learned a go to move called "the cmad." shes a girl in my math class who fancies herself a crazzzzyyy dancer. Theres this kid in my math class too, we'll call him ldpow pow. he thinks he's pretty cool and loves a back rub. too bad he never gets one. I savored my free period where i read and listened to the white lies. Lunch was lunch. food was ok, knocked over a huge pan and got stared at, ran away, people get talked about but all is forgotten when that bell rings. AP english consisted of reading a dolls house...nuff said. i really like to make fun of people. I know, i know, its mean. But it's not because i need to make myself feel better. I just like stating the obvious and watch people scramble for something somewhat witty to say back. if thats wrong, well sorry. I get home and stare at my ap bio notes, i have a test tomorrow and i know i dont have a chance. I get home and its "me time." finally. I start a blog because anything is better than studying meiosis...check my phone, eat some oyster crackers and sweet tea and write. it's a good release. i have to get ready for play practice now. i'm sure i'll be a blog rat soon.
I'm looking for answers
Some kind of relief
Some kind of salvation to make it all complete
The Features
and scene.